Advanced time-evolution method for optical absorption spectra calculations

  • Tobias Sander (Vortragende*r)

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere


The Green’s function formalism from many-body perturbation theory gives access to electronic structure calculation within the quasiparticle picture, as well as provides for calculating optical absorption spectra. Within the traditional ansatz [1], a Bethe-Salpeter like equation for the polarizability is solved. This requires to diagonalize an in general non-hermitian and complex matrix (BSE matrix). Usually, the off-diagonal elements of the BSE matrix are neglected and this is referred to as Tamm-Dancoff approximation. The computational effort can be reduced by using the time-evolution ansatz [2] which avoids the matrix diagonalization. We present a method based on the time-evolution algorithm, that finally avoids storing and diagonalizing the BSE matrix. This leads to a reduction of the scaling w.r.t the system size N from N5 to N3. Finally, we present first results for typical systems. [1] S. Albrecht, L. Reining, R. Del Sole, G. Onida, PRL 80, 4510 (1998) W. G. Schmidt, S. Glutsch, P. H. Hahn, F. Bechstedt, PRB 67, 085307 (2003)
Zeitraum3 Apr. 2014
EreignistitelDPG Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Dresden 2014
OrtDresden, DeutschlandAuf Karte anzeigen