An end to Antisemitism

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche VeranstaltungenTeilnahme an ...


In the last decade, a shocking increase of antisemitism both in Europe and world-wide can be observed. Jew-hatred is not restricted anymore to the radical right wing margins of the political spectrum and Islamic extremists. While the roots of antisemitism reach back to antiquity and continued to manifest themselves both in the Islamic and western worlds, today the conflict about the State of Israel, – often expressed with antisemitic motives, plays a role not only in the Islamic world but has an ever increasing presence in antisemitic agitation as a whole. Even in democratic societies and among academics antisemitic resentments are widespread again. The spectrum of antisemitic activities ranges from physical violence against and persecution of Jews via discrimination, slander, and verbal abuse to the structural antisemitism of many societies and cultures. Several European countries und even the United States have sadly become hotspots of antisemitism and antisemitic violence. In addition, in Israel, in particular, Jews suffer from the antisemitic violence and antisemitic slander by Muslim terrorists. In many other countries of the world the various forms of religious, racist, and political antisemitism are on the rise as well. Sometimes, anti-Israel attitudes as well as demands for boycotting Israel (BDS) may morph into antisemitism, adding another dangerous factor. Neither the critical study nor the attempts to suppress antisemitism can thus be restricted to Europe. Satellite-TV, the internet, and worldwide waves of migration make antisemitism a global phenomenon that needs to be fought on a global scale in all countries of the western and Muslim worlds but even inside Israel...
Zeitraum18 Feb. 201822 Feb. 2018
OrtWien, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen


  • Religionspädagogik
  • Antisemitismus