Development of the strategic framework for the restoration of degraded ecosystems and landscapes for the state of Austria

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science


In 2011, the European Union published an EU Biodiversity Strategy for the period 2011-2020. The goals and measures of this strategy are based on the so-called Aichi Targets.
Target 2 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy calls for the restoration of at least 15% of degraded ecosystems by 2020. This target and the corresponding action are also included in the "Biodiversity Strategy Austria 2020+".
In the course of the present study, a strategic framework was developed as a preparatory measure (Action 6a according to the EU Biodiversity Strategy) to set priorities for the restoration of degraded ecosystems and landscapes in order to achieve the 15% target. This also included the identification of individual landscape areas that are to be prioritised for restoration.
A geographically explicit map of biotope types at national level served as the main basis for the development of the strategic framework.
Since the planning of restoration measures, along with the setting of restoration priorities, requires knowledge of the state of the ecosystems, the next step was to assess their current state and to perform a classification into four levels of degradation. The intrinsic characteristics of ecosystems, but in particular the heterogeneity of available and relevant basic data, made different methodological approaches necessary.
The costs necessary to achieve the 15% target were calculated separately for each of the ecosystems: forests, surface waters and open land. The resulting costs depend heavily on the target. Different scenarios were therefore calculated.
The implementation of the 15% target is assumed to be achieved within the 2020-2050 timeframe. The estimated costs of the implementation of restoration measures to achieve the 15% target in Austria are approximately 10.7 billion euros for all ecosystems and ecosystem groups, excluding urban ecosystems and those characterised by settlement.
Zeitraum9 Sept. 2021
Ereignistitel12th European Conference on Ecological Restoration: A new green deal for europe's nature - Science and political action towards socio-ecological restoration
OrtUnbekannt/undefiniertAuf Karte anzeigen