Dynamic properties of liquids and solids probed by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis

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Since structural changes in materials usually couple to strain, acoustic spectroscopy provides a very sensitive tool for the study of dynamic properties of solids and liquids. In principle a frequency range from 0.01 Hz up to GHz or even THz can be covered with different methods, including Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) , Resonance techniques, Ultrasonics, Brillouin – and neutron scattering. Here we present DMA measurements (0.01 – 100 Hz) for a broad range of materials, including ferroic crystals [1], iron based superconductors [2], nano – confined molecular glass forming liquids [3] and polymers [4] and show the wealth of information (e.g. on domain wall motion dynamics, nematic precursor fluctuations, confinement effects at liquid – glass transitions, etc.) that can be extracted from measurements of their low frequency elastic response. Acknowledgement: The work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) P23982-N20. [1] W. Schranz, H. Kabelka, A. Sarras and M. Burock, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 141913 (2012). [2] Anna Böhmer, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 047001 (2014). [3] J. Koppensteiner, W. Schranz and M.A.Carpenter, Phys. Rev. B 81, 024202 (2010). [4] M. Reinecker, V. Soprunyuk, M. Fally, A. Sánchez-Ferrer and W. Schranz, Soft Matter 10 (31), (2014).
Zeitraum16 Sep. 2015
EreignistitelDyProSo XXXV
OrtFreising, DeutschlandAuf Karte anzeigen