Exploring the Human-Technology Interface of Platform Liability: the DSA and DMA, and Bias in the Digital Age

  • Ranjana Andrea Achleitner (Diskussionsteilnehmer*in)
  • Alexandra Ciarnau (Diskussionsteilnehmer*in)
  • Harald Leitenmüller (Diskussionsteilnehmer*in)
  • Maria Lohmann (Diskussionsteilnehmer*in)
  • Stamboliev, E. (Diskussionsteilnehmer*in)
  • Shah, S. Z. H. (Organisator*in)
  • Kandov, B. (Organisator*in)

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche VeranstaltungenOrganisation von ...


As the digital landscape continues to evolve rapidly in the EU´s services and eCommerce sectors, so too does the EU´s ability to respond to such phenomena through legal interventions aimed at governing the use of certain technologies. The DSA and DMA are two prime examples of recent legislations aimed at regulating digital platforms and online markets. However, the arguably wide-spectrum and novel regulatory emphasis of these legislations in digital markets raises important questions, most notably, the issues of bias in law-making. These issues impact not only upon the credibility and potential efficiency of these legislations, but more broadly, also shed light upon the ever-pertinent questions concerning the legitimate role of law in regulating economies, societies, and human-technology interactions/relations in contemporary digital spaces. This interdisciplinary panel discussion will bring together experts from a variety of fields to explore these complex, multi-faceted issues and consider the potential impacts of these legislations on individuals, businesses, and society as a whole. It will provide a timely and nuanced examination of the intersection of platform liability, the DSA and DMA, and bias in the digital age. By bringing together a diverse group of experts, attendees will have a unique opportunity to gain a holistic understanding of issues regarding bias on online platforms and ask questions directly from the experts.
Zeitraum7 Juli 2023
VeranstaltungstypPodiumsdiskussion, Round Table
OrtWien, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen