Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Karakul sheep can be regarded as a token of economic and ecological change in colonial Central Asia. Originally a multi-use animal and restricted in its habitat to the driest of steppes and de-serts, lamb furs as well as living sheep became a global commodity within decades around the turn from the nineteenth to the twentieth century. This paper asks about the ramifications, inten-tional or not, of Karakul commodification. Through looking at the Karakul’s involuntary trajec-tories around the world, it discusses the nexus of a colonial logic of monetarising seemingly unproductive ecosystems, growing consumerism and the development of scientific eco-technologies.
18 Juli 2024 → 19 Juli 2024
Of Species and Specimens: Tracing Non-Human Histories in Times of Imperial Expansion