“God of Carnage”: The Representation of Suspicious Comrades in Screen Fiction

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science


The wolf in sheep’s clothing is the basic motif of all conspiracy theories. The suspicion that a benevolent act is a hostile act destroys trust in the other, because civilian manners can no longer be relied on. Under the influence of the Me-Too movement, the prestigious awards for Polanski’s film J’accuse about the affair of the Jewish officer Dreyfus led to violent protests in 2020. The interaction between suspicions, generalizations and the search for a scapegoat leads to conspiracy theories and the call for direct plebiscitary democracy and opinion leadership. The suspicious person loses the right to defend his or her own attitude. It is striking that this mechanism is a form of agenda setting in a current social situation. In a way, the fate of actor Kevin Spacey coincides with his role as US president in the television show House of Cards (2013-2018). The critical staging of the suspicious character, who represents the Trump administration, becomes a criticism of the suspicious television actor himself. – The aim of the lecture is to deal with the paradox that someone who helps to launch the criticism becomes its object. In this way, fiction turns into pamphlets – against its authors. Therefore, examples like Fahrenheit 9/11 and Fahrenheit 11/9 by Michael Moore (2004 and 2018) besides Indignados by Tony Gatlif (2012) will also help deepen this contradiction.
Zeitraum18 Nov. 2021
EreignistitelPolarization in the North Atlantic Triangle. International Conference
OrtWien, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen