Ammonia oxidizing archaea are members of the Thaumarchaeota phylum and rely on ammonia oxidation as an energy source while growing autotrophically. Because of this, the core physiology of AOA contributes to both the global nitrogen and carbon cycles. However, little is known about the function and regulation of their primary metabolic processes. To this end, a thermodynamic model was developed for N. viennensis to estimate the consumption of inorganic carbon in relation to ammonia consumed for energy. Based on the results of this model, N. viennensis was grown in carbon limited conditions and subjected to a combined proteomic and metabolomic approach in order to better understand the metabolic responses of AOA. Biological replicates demonstrated a distinct proteomic and metabolomic response under different levels of carbon limitation. The most limited cultures displayed strong growth impairment, an apparent shift towards the accumulation of aromatic amino acids and an increase in relative abundances of proteins from the carbon fixation cycle. The combined analysis of proteins and metabolites additionally revealed multiple correlations of an increase in methionine sulfoxide reductase (msrA) with amino acid levels. Models for these physiological reactions will be presented that might help to elucidate metabolic responses of AOA to inorganic carbon concentrations and give clues to the ecological niche that these organisms occupy.Zeitraum | 29 Juli 2021 |
Ereignistitel | Archaea Online 2021 (AOL2021) |
Veranstaltungstyp | Konferenz |
Ort | Unbekannt/undefiniertAuf Karte anzeigen |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |
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Archaea Online 2021 (AOL2021)
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