Mobile Parcel Lockers with Individual Customer Service

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science


The ongoing growth of last-mile deliveries has led to a significant increase in transportation volumes. New technologies are continuously being investigated to provide these deliveries efficiently and in a customer-friendly manner. A common practice is to use fixed parcel lockers to make deliveries independent from the presence of the customer as is the case in attended home deliveries. Fixed parcel lockers are usually installed at key locations in cities, and customers can collect their package any time once it has been delivered at this particular location. Mobile parcel lockers represent a new idea: They can be parked for temporary collection at different locations, keeping the walking distance to the customer short and avoiding high infrastructure costs. However, customers need to collect their parcel within a restricted time window. This service is supposed to become especially efficient through autonomously operating vehicles that can move parcel lockers at low costs.
In this paper, we propose a mixed-integer program to evaluate different innovative delivery services - fixed parcel lockers, mobile parcel lockers, attended home deliveries and their combinations - within one framework. In our comparison, we consider that customers may have different expectations regarding their maximum walking distance as well as their temporal flexibility in accepting deliveries. A fixed fleet is applied to maximize the number of customers served, respecting individual customer preferences in terms of walking distances and time windows. We evaluate the different delivery services and possible combinations regarding managerial insights on service quality and efficiency. In the experiments, we evaluate the impact of structural demand differences and different fleet sizes, as well as the operational fleet utilization and the individual customer experience. Results show the potential to increase the number of customers served by about 10% through the use of mobile parcel lockers while considering individual customer preferences.
Zeitraum27 Juni 2022
EreignistitelLast Mile Delivery Workshop 2022
OrtVallendar, Deutschland, Rheinland-PfalzAuf Karte anzeigen