Panel Discussion "Transnational Public History" with Andrew Stuart Bergerson, Kathleen Foster, Gary C. Sharp, and Michele Valentine (University of Missouri-Kansas City) and Marjorie McHale (Florida)

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Public


The Historical Institute of the University of Wrocław, Poland, the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History at the University of Luxembourg (C2DH), Zajezdnia (Depot) History Centre, the International Federation for Public History, and the Commission for Public History of the Committee of Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences invite students, PhD candidates and practitioners to participate in the 6th Public History Summer School to be held in hybrid format (on-site in Wrocław and on-line), 12-16 June 2023.
Zeitraum16 Juni 2023
Ereignistitel6th International Conference Studying Public History
OrtWrocław, PolenAuf Karte anzeigen