Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Systems

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science


Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Systems share a common theme: The study of the rich collective phenomena which arise from the complex quantum correlations - entanglement - which build up between the constituents of the system. This covers exotic phases of matter just as much as the ability of a quantum computer - itself a system of many qubits - to carry out complex computational tasks. In my presentation, I will highlight cases where these two fields fruitfully interplay: How insights from entanglement theory provide us with novel tools to probe quantum many-body systems, and how quantum many-body problems yield ways to both verify and use near-term quantum devices.
Zeitraum13 Dez. 2021
EreignistitelVCQ Colloquium Winter Semester 2021/22
VeranstaltungstypVortragsreihe, Kolloquium
OrtÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen