Taming the iMonster: Regulating digital platforms

  • Elisabeth Steindl (Organisator*in)
  • Prainsack, B. (Mitarbeiter*in)
  • Forgó, N. (Mitarbeiter*in)
  • Dunshirn, P. (Mitarbeiter*in)
  • Seliem El-Sayed (Mitarbeiter*in)
  • Meropi Tzanetakis (Mitarbeiter*in)
  • Lukas Schlögl (Mitarbeiter*in)
  • Felt, U. (Mitarbeiter*in)
  • Mayer, K. (Mitarbeiter*in)
  • Rasmus Kvaal Wardemann (Mitarbeiter*in)
  • Vadrot, A. (Mitarbeiter*in)
  • Kaltenbrunner, S. (Mitarbeiter*in)
  • Natália Varabyeu Kancelová (Mitarbeiter*in)

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche VeranstaltungenOrganisation von ...


Digital platforms, understood as the technical and social infrastructure for the collection, storage, curation, analysis, distribution or commercialisation of digital data, are frequently compared to a Leviathan: A “monster” that people submit their natural freedoms to in order to receive something back that they consider essential. In the case of the platform-Leviathan, it is not physical security and the protection of their property that people receive in return, but the possibility to communicate across time and space, to connect different groups to buy and sell goods in a faster and more convenient manner, or to look for rides, jobs, houses, partners. Especially during and after Covid-19, submitting to the iMonster has been a necessary condition for many people to be able to do the things they need to do to hold a job or two and run their families.
How do we best regulate digital platforms?
This was the question that the interdisciplinary and virtually held Winter School focused on.
Zeitraum14 Feb. 202225 Feb. 2022
VeranstaltungstypSummer/Winter School
OrtÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen