The Canon and the Kenosis of the Text. History and its Alternatives in Post-Hegelian Thought

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science


The biblical canon has the potential to mediate history without representing it directly. Whereas all immediate representations of history as an object run the risk of becoming ideological meta-histories, the text of the canon hosts those realities of history that cannot be represented. This paper tries to show how the biblical text devotes itself to an alternative history by putting forth the concept of a “kenosis of the text”. The introduction of the theological notion of kenosis in the philosophical discourse by Hegel provoked numerous interpretations including Derrida’s subtle reading of Hegel which points to a disclosure of the text for the unrepresentable.
Zeitraum6 März 2019
EreignistitelEuropean Academy of Religion 2019
OrtBologna, ItalienAuf Karte anzeigen


  • Derrida
  • Hegel
  • Post-Hegelian Thought
  • Text
  • Bibel