Workshop: Global Health & Diplomacy: configurations of knowledge, power and policy

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche VeranstaltungenOrganisation von ...


Katharina T. Paul and Anna Pichelstorfer are hosting a workshop (10-11 February 2020) to discuss historical and present efforts to coordinate public health interventions across national and disciplinary borders.

The workshop critically engages with a set of case studies on health diplomacy and is funded by the Health Work Package led by Katharina Paul in the context of H2020 project InsSciDE – Inventing a shared Science Diplomacy for Europe. Work Package 5 (Health) will present its case studies in dialogue with other researchers covering cases such as antimicrobial resistance, vaccination, and diagnostic technologies for newly emerging diseases. Specific attention will be devoted to the role of social sciences and humanities in informing infectious disease control, in dialogue with EU project SONAR GLOBAL.
Zeitraum10 Feb. 202011 Feb. 2020
OrtVienna, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen