Michael Moser

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr., O. Prof. (Ungarn), O. Prof. (Ukrainische Freie Universität München)

1998 …2024

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Persönliches Profil


MICHAEL ALEXANDER MOSER (Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Dr. h.c. Prof. h. c.).
Born on 26 January 1969.
Full Professor of the Institute for Slavic Studies at the University of Vienna (Austria),
Full Professor at the Péter Pázmány Catholic University in Budapest (Hungary),
Full Professor at the Ukrainian Free University in Munich (Germany).
Honorary Doctor of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Honorary Professor of National University “Kyiv Mohyla Academy”.

* Brief professional biography:
"Mag. phil." 1990, "Dr. phil." 1994, "Habilitation" 1998 (University of Vienna).
Associate Professor at the University of Vienna 1998,
Full Professor at the University of Vienna 2019.
2014–2016: Head of the Department of Slavic Studies (Institutsvorstand).
2013: Hungarian Full Professor (“Egyetemi tanár”).
2009: Full Professor at the Ukrainian Free University in Munich.

* Main research fields: history of Slavic languages, with a focus on Ukrainian, Russian, Polish and mutual Slavic language contacts (see "Publications").

* Most important achievements: 2020: Honorary Professor of National University “Kyiv Mohyla Academy” , 2017: Honorary Doctor of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
2019: V. I. Vernadsky Gold Medal of the National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences “for outstanding achievements in the study of the Ukrainian language and sociolinguistics.” 2017: International Ivan Franko Prize (Міжнародна премія імені Івана Франка).
2005: START-award, awarded by the International Wittgenstein and START Jury on behalf of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Awarded project proposal: “One thousand years of Ukrainian Language History in Galicia”. March 2006–February 2014.
2005–2006: Eugene and Daymel Shklar fellow at Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. 2004: FIGDOR prize of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Further awards: 2012: Award “Best Book of the Book Forum” at the all-Ukrainian Book Forum in L’viv in 2012 for the monograph Тарас Шевченко і сучасна українська мова: спроба гідної оцінки (see “Publications”).
2005: Prize of the “Kowalsky Program for the Study of Eastern Ukraine” (Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Edmonton/Alberta).
2005: Award from the Natalija Danyl’čenko Fund (New York Shevchenko Scientific Society). 1991: Prize for extraordinary success in university studies, awarded by the Austrian Ministry of Education.

* Administrative functions:
2013–: President of the International Association for Ukrainian Studies (Міжнародна Асоціація Україністів).
2011–2013: Dean of the Philosophical Faculty of the Ukrainian Free University in Munich. 2010–2014: Member of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Steady member of two commissions of the International Committee of Slavists: Commission for Language Contacts (2007 ff.) Commission for Slavic Standard Languages (2008 ff.).
For further activities see attached pdf files.

* Editor of the series “Slavische Sprachgeschichte” (http://www.lit-verlag.de/reihe/slspg) (since 2005).

* Chief editor:
1) “Movoznavstvo” (Kyiv, Ukraine, ed. by the Oleksandr Potebnia Institute of Linguistics at the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences).
2) “Ukrajins’ke movoznavstvo” (Kyiv, Ukraine, ed. by the Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv).
* Member of the editorial or advisory boards of:
1) “Slavia Orientalis” (Warszawa, Poland, ed. by the Polish Academy of Sciences) 2) “Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae” (“Studia Slavica Hung.”) (Budapest, Hungary, ed. by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) 3) “Studi slavistici” (journal) and “Biblioteca di Studi slavistici” (Book series), ed. by the Italian Association of Slavists and Firenze University Press 4) “Rozprawy komisji językowej” (Łódź, Poland, ed. by the Institute for Polish dialectology) 5) “Slavistika” (Beograd, Serbia, ed. by the Association of Slavists of Serbia) 6) “Nationalisms across the Globe” (St. Andrews, Scotland/UK, and Warzawa, Poland), ed. by Tomasz Kamusella and Krzysztof Jaskułowski (Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities) 7) “Mova: klasyčne – moderne – postmoderne: zbirnyk naukovyx statej” (Kyiv, Ukaine, ed. by Kyjivo-Mohyljansʼka akademija) 8) “Україна: культурна спадщина, національна свідомість, державність” (Lviv, Ukraine, ed. by the Institute for Ukrainian Studies of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences) 9) “Naukovi Zapysky Mižnarodnoji Asociaciji Ukrajinistiv” (Kyjiv, Ukraine, ed. by the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, and the International Association for Ukrainian Studies) 10) “Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie” (Przemyśl, Poland, ed. by the South-Eastern Research Institute) 11) “Slavica Tartuensia” (Tartu, Estonia, ed. by Aleksandr Duličenko) 12) “Biuletyn ukrainoznawczy” (Przemyśl, Poland, edited by the South-Eastern Research Institute) 13) “Poznańska ukrainistyka” (Poznań, Poland, ed. by the Department of Ukrainian Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland) 14) “Rusynystychni studiji”/ “Ruthenian studies” (Novi Sad, Serbia, edited by the Institute for Ruthenian Studies of Novi Sad University). Formerly: 1) “Journal of Ukrainian Studies” (until 2013, when the journal ceased to exist). (Toronto, Canada, ed. by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies) 2) “Greifswalder ukrainistische Hefte” (until about 2010, when the series ceased to exist) (Greifswald, Germany, ed. by Aleksander Kratochvil) 3) “Русская культура в Европе – Russian Culture in Europe” (until 2014) (Wien, Austria, ed. by Fedor Poljakov). 4) “Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA” (Kyiv, Ukraine, ed. by the “National University ‘Kyiv Mohyla Academy’” (Національний університет Києво-могилянська академія) 5) “Ukrajina moderna” (Kyiv, Ukraine, ed. by Jaroslav Hrycak et al.) 6) “Dialektolohični studiji” (L’viv, Ukraine, ed. by the Institute for Ukrainian Studies of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences).

* Anonymous reviewer for several European and North American scholarly journals
* Anonymous and non-anonymous reviewer for several national and international institutions (Science Funds, Academies of Sciences, Ministries of Education, etc.) as well as for international publishers (University of Toronto Press, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies).

* Project management:
Director: START-award project “One thousand years of Ukrainian language history in Galicia”. March 2006–February 2014.
Director: FWF project “Das Ukrainische als Kirchensprache” (“Ukrainian as a Language of Churches”) (Cooperation of the Institute for Slavic Studies at the University of Vienna with the Institute of the Ukrainian Language at the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences). Further projects: see attached pdf files.

* Organization of international conferences:
Chief organizer of the International Congress of Ukrainianists. Kyiv, June 2018.
Co-organizer of the conference “Recent Problems of Ukrainian Studies.” Vienna, June 2015.
For further activities see attached pdf files.

* Most important teaching and supervision activities and achievements (2014–2021):
Teaching primarily in the fields of Slavic language contacts, Slavic language policy, Slavic dialects and microlanguages, the history of Slavic languages, East Slavic languages, Polish.
Supervisor of hundreds of B. A. theses and several M. A. theses.
Supervised M. A. theses:
Tanaskovic, Aleksandra (2021) Lehnwörter in der kulinarischen Lexik des Serbischen.
Rajkovic, Tanja (2021) Titos totalitäre Sprache: Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Analyse ausgewählter Reden des ehemaligen jugoslawischen Präsidenten Josip Broz Tito aus der Sammlung „Govori i članci“ zwischen 1941 und 1948 in Hinblick auf die Beziehungen zwischen Jugoslawien und der Sowjetunion [MA Slawistik].
Sprache als Marker für die Nationsbildung am Beispiel
(post- )sowjetischer Staaten“ [MA Internationale Osteuropastudien]
Mazur, Aleksandra (2020) Die Sprache in phantastischer Kinderliteratur. Polnisch und Spanisch im Vergleich [Lehramt Diplom Spanisch/Polnisch].
Rutowska, Joanna (2020) Linguistische Diskursanalyse der Katastrophe von Smolensk [MA Slawistik].
Vasyukhina, Olga (2020). Nationale Kultur und Traditionen am Beispiel der Sprichwörter und sprichwörtlichen Redensarten in der russischen und der deutschen Sprache [Lehramt Diplom Mathematik/Russisch].
Breksler, Viktoria (2019) Putins Rhetorik im Mediendiskurs [MA Slawistik].
Maylein, Laura Elisa (2019) Jesuitische Beiträge zur Standardisierung der kroatischen Sprache [MA Slawistik].
Skolar, Lisa (2019) Deutsch-slowakische Sprachkontakte an der March [MA Slawistik].
Toska, Ermir (2019) Zu den Anfängen der Geschichte der russinischen Sprache in Nordamerika bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg [MA Slawistik].
Heissl, Claire (2018) Terminologische und phraseologische Aspekte der Helsinki-Schlussakte. Eine linguistische Analyse des russischen KSZE-Dokuments [MA Slawistik].
Trykoza, Olena (2018) Sprachenpolitik Russlands gegenüber nicht-russischen Sprachen der Republiken. Am Beispiel der Republik Sa-cha (Jakutien) [MA Slawistik].
Zatyshna, Nataliya (2018) Ukrainische orthographische Projekte des 19. Jahrhunderts. [MA Slawistik].
Klik, Lukas (2017): Zur Sprache der sibirischen Chroniken der Frühen Neuzeit: Eine linguistische Analyse der Esipovskaja und Remezovskaja letopisi.
Prenner, Maria Katarzyna (2017): Die Sprache der Zeitung Naša Niva im Zeitraum 1906-1915. MA-Arbeit.
Brun, Simon (2016): Die russische Sprache im Internet: Linguistische Analyse russischer Tweets. MA-Arbeit.
Gasslitter, Kilian (2016): Gibt es eine ukrainische Varietät des Russischen? (2016). Diplomarbeit.
Koller, Karoline (2016): Das Gesprächsbuch des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts als sprachliche Brücke zwischen Ost und West: Aspekte der Höflichkeit. Überlegungen am Beispiel der deutsch-russischen Handelsbeziehungen. Masterarbeit.
Tomala, Marlena (2015): Anglizismen in der Computerfachsprache im Russischen und Polnischen. Masterarbeit.
Kammleitner, Andrea (2014): Die Sprachensituation in Belarus als Gegenstand der politischen Reden Aljaksandr Lukašėnkas. Masterarbeit.
Schinnerl, Michaela (2014): Russische Männer-und Frauensprache. Masterarbeit.
Schwarzl, Andrea (2014) Sprachentrends im Vergleich. Diplomarbeit.


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