Evaluation von Biofeedback zur Kontrolle lokaler Hirnaktivität als Therapieverfahren bei Hyperaktivität (ADHS)

  • Bauer, Herbert (Projektleiter*in)

Projekt: Forschungsförderung



Local Brain Activity (LBA-) Feedback and ADHD Inspired by promising reports on local brain activity feedback using real time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI) we began developing an EEG-based LBA- feedback procedure. Starting with a real time version of sLORETA (Pascual-Marqui, 2002), which transforms scalp potential topographies into standardized 3D current density distributions within the cortical gray and white matter of a realistically modeled brain and indicates the strongest source, it was soon evident that it is necessary to localize all significant sources that generate a given potential distribution. Due to a continuously given visual feedback, at least one source would be within the visual cortex additionally to that which would expectedly evolve within the region of interest (ROI). To this end ‘Simultaneous Multiple Sources LORETA (SMS-LORETA)’ and "Boundary Element Method based SMS-LORETA" (BEM-based SMS-LORETA) has been developed (Pllana & Bauer, 2008, 2011) - BEM-based SMS-LORETA uses repeatedly sLORETA in a negative feedback loop to identify all significant local maxima of the current density distributions within the brain. BEM-based SMS-LORETA automatically identifies the locations and corresponding strengths of significant sources that in sum generate 95% of the amplitude variance of a given scalp potential topography. Experimental applications of BEM-based SMS-LORETA, however, also showed that multi channel raw EEG – even filtered by various methods – can’t serve as an appropriate input. That finally led to a task-linked procedure, which utilizes a certain ERP model.
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende28/06/0731/12/08