A variational principle for Gaussian lattice sums

Laurent Bétermin, Markus Faulhuber, Stefan Steinerberger

Veröffentlichungen: Working PaperPreprint


We consider a two-dimensional analogue of Jacobi theta functions and prove that, among all lattices Λ ⊂ R2 with fixed density, the minimal value is maximized by the hexagonal lattice. This result can be interpreted as the dual of a 1988 result of Montgomery who proved that the hexagonal lattice minimizes the maximal values. Our inequality resolves a conjecture of Strohmer and Beaver about the operator norm of a certain type of frame in L2(R). It has implications for minimal energies of ionic crystals studied by Born, the geometry of completely monotone functions and a connection to the elusive Landau constant.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2021

ÖFOS 2012

  • 101002 Analysis
  • 101032 Funktionalanalysis
  • 103019 Mathematische Physik
