title = "Are raptors good indicators of overall biodiversity? A case study from Dadia National Park",
author = "Stefan Schindler and Vassiliki Kati and Martin Prinz and Kostas Poirazidis",
note = "Host publication data : Bermejo A. (ed). Bird Numbers 2010 - Monitoring, indicators and targets, Book of abstracts of the 18th International Conference of the European Bird Census Council. 22-26 Mar 2010, C{\'a}ceres, Spain. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid.",
year = "2010",
language = "English",
pages = "18--18",
editor = "Bermejo, { A.}",
booktitle = "Bird Numbers 2010 - Monitoring, indicators and targets, Book of abstracts of the 18th International Conference of the European Bird Census Council. 22-26 Mar 2010, C{\'a}ceres, Spain",
publisher = "SEO/BirdLife",