Die Erweiterung der psychotherapeutischen Perspektive durch bifokale Young Child Observation. Methodisches und Kasuistisches zur Konzeption der Vienna Parent-Toddler Group Study

Wilfried Datler, Christin Reisenhofer, Alexa Weber, Judith Thaller, Margit Datler, Peter Zumer

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelPeer Reviewed


Expanding the Psychotherapeutic PerspectiveThrough Bifocal Young Child Observation. Methodological and Case-Related Considerations on the Design of the Vienna Parent-Toddler Group Study The parent-toddler group concept was developed at the Anna Freud Centre in London. Since 2021 it has also been used at the Child Guidance Clinic in Vienna.The Vienna Parent-Toddler Group (PTG) study investigates the significance of participation in such a therapeutic group for changes in children's relational experiences and developmental problems in their families. Among other research tools, the bifocal use of Young Child Observation according to the Tavistock concept is used:The children are observed as continuously as possible in their interactions and relations both in the group and at home.The article first describes the background and the design of the research project. Subsequently, with reference to accounts from the observation of a child with eating problems, it is shown in which respect this observation design provides a deeper understanding of the eating problem. Finally, the arguments for and against an early exchange of considerations between the observers and the psychotherapists are discussed.
Titel in ÜbersetzungExpanding the Psychotherapeutic Perspective Through Bifocal Young Child Observation.: Methodological and Case-Related Considerations on the Design of the Vienna Parent-Toddler Group Study
Seiten (von - bis)148-168
FachzeitschriftPraxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie: Ergebnisse aus Psychoanalyse, Psychologie und Familientherapie
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2024

ÖFOS 2012

  • 501019 Psychotherapie
  • 501017 Psychoanalyse
  • 501023 Tiefenpsychologie
  • 503031 Elementarpädagogik


  • Psychoanalytische Pädagogik
  • young child observation according to the tavistock concept
  • parent-toddler group
  • bifocal observation
  • parent-toddler psychotherapy


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