AUTNES Content Analysis of Party Manifestos 2017 (SUF edition)

Wolfgang C. Müller (Redakteur*in), Anita Bodlos (Redakteur*in), Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik (Redakteur*in), Christina Gahn (Redakteur*in), Elisabeth Graf (Redakteur*in), Martin Haselmayer (Redakteur*in), Teresa Haudum (Redakteur*in), Lena Maria Huber (Redakteur*in), Thomas Meyer (Redakteur*in), Katharina Wurzer (Redakteur*in)

Veröffentlichungen: Elektronische/multimediale VeröffentlichungSoftware oder Datenbank


Full edition for scientific use. The AUTNES dataset on party manifestos covers the manifestos of the relevant parties that competed in the Austrian national election 2017. All natural sentences within the manifestos are part of the dataset. The units of analysis are standardized statements derived from these natural sentences by means of a set of unitizing rules. The coding procedure applies the AUTNES relational approach of recording subjects, predicates, and objects to party manifestos. The subject actor is usually the party, but it can also be another actor being cited in the manifesto. There are two types of objects: issues and object actors. Issues are recorded by coders selecting from the AUTNES issue coding scheme the one issue that fits the content of the statement best. One object actor can be recorded per statement, each with their name (if an individual is present) and organizational affiliation. The issue predicate numerically records whether the subject's position towards the issue (if present) is one of (conditional) support, (conditional) rejection, or conveys a neutral stance. Similarly, the object actor predicate numerically records whether the subject's position towards the object actor is one of support, rejection, or conveys a neutral stance. Variables: sentence (the text of the natural sentence); statement derived from the natural sentence; page number of the manifesto where the natural sentence can be found; organizational affiliation of the subject actor (usually the party); name of the subject actor if an individual; issue predicate (the relation between subject and issue); issue category selected for the statement; statement refers to regulation of the issue on the European level; object actor predicate (relation between subject and object actor); organization of the object actor (usually the party); name of the object actor if individual; year of election for which the manifesto was published; party authoring the manifesto; title of the manifesto. Additionally coded was: ID number for each observation; sentence-ID.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 27 Jan. 2021

ÖFOS 2012

  • 506014 Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft


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