Growing Into What? The (Un-)disciplined Socialisation of Early Stage Researchers in Transdisciplinary Research

Ulrike Felt, Judith Igelsböck, Andrea Schikowitz, Thomas Völker

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelPeer Reviewed


Over past decades we have witnessed considerable debate questioning the capacity of contemporary research to address the challenges posed by complex societal developments. As a consequence the need for rethinking cultures and practices of knowledge production has moved high on the policy agenda. In this context transdisciplinarity has become one of the key-notions standing for more openness towards and engagement with non-scientific actors all along the process of knowledge production. While there is much debate, little is known about the every-day research practices in such contexts. This paper focuses on early stage researchers and how they manage to reconcile the demands of transdisciplinarity with other normative requirements in contemporary research. Using the concept of ‘epistemic living spaces’, which addresses how researchers see their room for epistemic and social manoeuvre within research, the paper explores the possibilities and limits of contemporary research structures to accommodate this alternative way of producing knowledge. Introducing the concept of ‘transdisciplinary knowledge regime’, the article finally argues that this kind of knowledge production cannot be understood through solely focusing on the specific epistemological and normative prescriptions, but demands close consideration of the complex entanglements between the epistemic, the institutional, the social and the ideological perspectives in contemporary research. All this also raises new issues of responsibility towards early stage researchers.
Seiten (von - bis)511-524
FachzeitschriftHigher Education: the international journal of higher education and educational planning
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2013

ÖFOS 2012

  • 509017 Wissenschaftsforschung


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