Guidelines for Universities Engaging in Social Responsibility

Katharina Resch (Herausgeber*in), Mark Wallace (Herausgeber*in), José Pedro Amorim, Alina Borcos, Tanja Bozic, Marcia Coelho, Joaquim Luis Coimbra, Teresa Dias, Gabriel Dima, Judith Fritz, Isabel Gomes, Petja Janzekovic, Jordi Miret Marti, Isabel Menezes, Katharina Resch, Fernanda Rodrigues, Maria Slowey, Francesca Uras, Isabel Vidal, Mark WallaceChristina Weißenböck

Veröffentlichungen: Sonstige VeröffentlichungBroschüre


Universities are increasingly expected to respond to the needs of society and to engage with a wide variety of external stakeholders. The increasing importance of this social dimension of higher education calls for a concerted effort to devise strategies and implement measures, which will establish universities as drivers of societal well-being.
The Guidelines for Universities Engaging in Social Responsibility are designed to help universities to incorporate USR (University Social Responsibility) in their strategies and everyday activities. They offer a selection of recommendations and instructive examples of good practice for universities. The target audience is university personnel including teachers, researchers, students, management, and administration as well as policy makers and funding agencies.
The Guidelines are the final output of the Erasmus+ UNIBILITY: University meets social responsibility project (2015-2017). This project was dedicated to promote University Social Responsibility in a cross-European setting.
ISBN (elektronisch)978-3-200-05328-1
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2017

ÖFOS 2012

  • 504005 Bildungssoziologie
  • 509011 Organisationsentwicklung


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