Hadi Ahmadi and the Myth of the ‘People Smugglers’ Business Model

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelPeer Reviewed


The case of Hadi Ahmadi is one of the highest profile prosecutions of people smuggling in Australia. Convicted in August 2010 for bringing over 500 asylum seekers to Australia, Mr Ahmadi's case is one of only a small number ofprosecutions involving an organiser of migrant smuggling ventures - unlike the hundreds of cases before Australian courts which involve Indonesian captains and crew working on migrant smuggling vessels. This article explores the case ofMr Ahmadi to shed light into the so-called 'people smugglers' business model', which successive Australian Governments from both sides of politics are determined to 'crush'. The article examines the facts of Mr Ahmadi's offending, the criminal proceedings against him, and draws comparison to other organiser cases and to the general patterns ofpeople smuggling prosecutions in Australia. Findings of this research cast doubt over the Government's rhetoric and its strategies to prevent and suppress migrant smuggling
Seiten (von - bis)120-147
FachzeitschriftMonash Law Review
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Dez. 2013

ÖFOS 2012

  • 505008 Kriminologie


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