Incorporation and Differentiation – and Empowerment: On a Complicated Threesome

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The dynamics of, on the one side, an education that is to reach all and, on the other, schooling as a means to divide (by ability, social class, gender, ethnicity, etc.) has been aptly described as processes of ‘incorporation and differentiation’ (cf. Stoler & Cooper, 1997). Drawing on findings both from the presenter’s own fieldwork in China and from other studies, the keynote lecture revisits these seemingly contradictory processes and scrutinizes them with regard to possibilities of individual and collective agency within processes of differentiation through education.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 10 Juni 2022
VeranstaltungDifferentiation renaissance: revisiting a powerful and multilayered concept of education: The conditions of the possibility to talk about differentiation. Imagined communities, social stratifications, and educational responses - Uppsala University, Uppsala, Schweden
Dauer: 9 Juni 202210 Juni 2022


KonferenzDifferentiation renaissance: revisiting a powerful and multilayered concept of education

ÖFOS 2012

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