Out-of-plane fluctuation conductivity of layered superconductors in strong electric fields

Ionut Puica, Wolfgang Lang

    Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelPeer Reviewed


    The non-Ohmic effect of a high electric field on the out-of-plane magnetoconductivity of a layered superconductor near the superconducting transition is studied in the frame of the Langevin approach to the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation. The transverse fluctuation conductivity is computed in the self-consistent Hartree approximation for an arbitrarily strong electric field and a magnetic field perpendicular to the layers. Our results indicate that high electric fields can be effectively used to suppress the out-of-plane fluctuation conductivity in high-temperature superconductors and a significant broadening of the transition induced by a strong electric field is predicted. Extensions of the results are provided for the case when the electric field is applied at an arbitrary angle with respect to the layers, as well as for the three-dimensional anisotropic regime of a strong interlayer coupling. Œ 2006 The American Physical Society.
    FachzeitschriftPhysical Review B
    PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2006

    ÖFOS 2012

    • 1030 Physik, Astronomie


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