Partizipative Alter(n)sforschung: Definitionen, Anwendungsfelder und Herausforderungen in unterschiedlichen Forschungsphasen

Anna Wanka, Anna Urbaniak

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelPeer Reviewed


There is much to be gained from participatory research: it can increase the closeness of research to everyday life, the acceptance of the resulting practical implications and holds the potential to fundamentally democratize scientific knowledge production. It is not surprising that this is not without irritation on the part of academic researchers and their institutional environment as well as on the part of nonacademically trained co-researchers. Based on an inspection of the relevant literature this article outlines the different understanding and definitions of participatory age(ing) research, its current fields of application, and utilization in different phases of the research process. Subsequently, the challenges that participatory approaches in age(ing) research can pose in these different fields and phases are discussed and possible solutions are outlined.

Titel in ÜbersetzungParticipatory approaches in age(ing) research: Definitions, fields of application and challenges in different research stages
Seiten (von - bis)357-361
FachzeitschriftZeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Aug. 2023

ÖFOS 2012

  • 509005 Gerontologie


  • Citizen science
  • Co-research
  • Democratization of knowledge production
  • Epistemology
  • Research ethics
