Promoting science teachers' ability to adopt usable ICT tools in practice: design of a European teacher education course.

Jari Lavonen, Heidi Krzywacky, Eric Sanchez, Valerie Fontanieu, Roger Erb, Bernd Bühler, Thomas Jurke, Manuela Welzel-Breuer, Sönke Graf, Clemens Nagel, Zhelyazka Raykova, George Ioannidis

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in BuchBeitrag in Konferenzband


Since adopting usable ICT tools to be used in science teaching and learning is still a challenge for teachers, there is a need to support teachers and enhance their potential regarding this matter. The prototype of an in-service teacher education course aimed at helping European science teachers to adopt usable ICT tools in their classrooms has been designed. In this paper, we discuss the problem analysis behind the design. In accordance with design-based research procedure, the first step was the theoretical analysis of the usability of ICT tools. Secondly, an international survey was conducted in order to clarify the
needs and constraints of using ICT tools in science. Based on the survey, not only technical but also pedagogical usability should be introduced and discussed with the teachers during the course. Lastly, we discuss the course design from the perspective of problem analysis and the attempt to address the needs regarding ICT tools in science education.
TitelProceedings of the XIV IOSTE Symposium, June 13-18 2010. Bled, Slovenia
UntertitelSocio-cultural and Human values in Science and Technology Education
Redakteure*innenSlavko Dolinšek, Terry Lyons
Herausgeber (Verlag)University of Ljubljana
ISBN (elektronisch)978-961-92882-1-4
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2010

ÖFOS 2012

  • 1030 Physik, Astronomie


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