Regional Embeddedness Segment Across Fifteen Countries

Renata Januszewska, Evy Mettepenningen, Dorota Majchrzak, Hannah Williams, Jagoda Mazur, Pascale Reichl, Anne Regourd, Vigilijus Jukna, Darlyn Tagarino, Dorota Konopacka, U Kaczmarek, Danuta Jaworska, S Wojital, Marius Sabau, A. Cofari, Nikola Tomic, M Kinnear, H L De Kock, Carolina Chaya, V Fernandez-RuizChristine Brugger, Lorenzo Peyer , L T Aldregde, Mario Valenzuela-Estrada

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelPeer Reviewed


While segmenting consumers, it is beneficial to understand how emotions and sensory perceptions relate to consumers’ food behavior. In this research, a new measure called the “local embeddedness” (EMB) scale was used to measure the emotional bond with the region among 1,714 respondents from 15 countries. There were two aims of the study: firstly, to examine the effectiveness of the EMB scale in segmenting respondents, and secondly, to profile the EMB segments in terms of socio-demographic variables. Results show that EMB segments consisted of three groups of respondents: 1) strong local supporters, 2) confused disbelievers, and 3) limited knowledge about product origin/trust industry segment.
Seiten (von - bis)322-335
FachzeitschriftJournal of Culinary Science & Technology
Frühes Online-Datum26 Nov. 2013
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2013

ÖFOS 2012

  • 303009 Ernährungswissenschaften
