Simulating putative Enceladus-like conditions: The possibility of biological methane production on Saturn's icy moon

Ruth-Sophie Taubner, Patricia Pappenreiter, Jennifer Zwicker, Daniel Smrzka, Christian Pruckner, Philipp Kolar, Sebastian Bernacchi, Arne H Seifert, Wolfgang Bach, Jörn Peckmann, Christian Paulik, Maria Gertrude Firneis, Christa Schleper, Simon Karl-Maria Rasso Rittmann (Korresp. Autor*in)

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftMeeting Abstract/Conference PaperPeer Reviewed


In this study (Taubner et al. 2018), three different methanogenic archaea (Methanothermococcus okinawensis, Methanothermobacter marburgensis, and Methanococcus villosus) were tested for metabolic activities and growth under putative Enceladus-like conditions, including high pressure experiments and tests on the tolerance towards potential gaseous and liquid inhibitors detected in Enceladus' plume. In particular, M. okinawensis, an isolate from a deep marine trench (Takai et al. 2002), showed tolerance towards all of the added inhibitors and maintained methanogenesis even in the range of 10 to 50 bar. Further, we were able to show that H2 production based on serpentinization may be sufficient to fuel such methanogenic life on Enceladus. The experiments revealed that methanogenesis could, in principle, be feasible under Enceladus-like conditions.
Seiten (von - bis)219-221
FachzeitschriftProceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Frühes Online-Datum13 Jan. 2019
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Jan. 2020
VeranstaltungIAU 2018 General Assembly Symposium: IAUS 345: Origins: From the Protosun to the First Steps of Life - Wien, Österreich
Dauer: 20 Aug. 201823 Aug. 2018
Konferenznummer: 345

ÖFOS 2012

  • 103003 Astronomie
  • 103004 Astrophysik
  • 106022 Mikrobiologie
