The assiciation between odour and age groups

Martin Wendelin, Buchinger Elisabeth, Eva Derndorfer, Klaus Dürrschmid, Dorota Majchrzak, Barbara Siegmund, Danner Lukas

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in BuchBeitrag in Konferenzband


The preliminary result of this study indicate that there might be clear associations with specific odurs and age cohorts. Anyway, the survey is going to be continued to complete the numbers of inquiries in the adult group as well as to gain data for the other addressed age groups. Once finished a better insight in odour preferences and identification can be drawn and thus concluded the relationship in regards of the assiciation and the age cohort.
TitelSensory and Consumer Science
UntertitelThinking out of the Box
Herausgeber (Verlag)Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
ISBN (Print)978-85125-323-8
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 13 Mai 2014
VeranstaltungSymposium of the Sensorik Netzwerke Österreich SNÖ in partnership with the European Sensory Society E3S - BOKU, Vienna, Österreich
Dauer: 13 Mai 2014 → …


KonferenzSymposium of the Sensorik Netzwerke Österreich SNÖ in partnership with the European Sensory Society E3S
Zeitraum13/05/14 → …

ÖFOS 2012

  • 303009 Ernährungswissenschaften


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