The Predictive Power of Consumer Dispositions on Domestic and Foreign Product Purchase

Adamantios Diamantopoulos, Christina Papadopoulou, Merve Vardarsuyu, Michela Matarazzo

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in BuchBeitrag in KonferenzbandPeer Reviewed


We investigate the incremental predictive power of three consumer dispositions – xenocentrism, cosmopolitanism and ethnocentrism – on domestic and foreign product purchase intentions, after taking the impact of consumer demographics and product category-specific variables into account. Using data from an online survey of 201 Turkish consumers, hierarchical regression analysis reveals that widely used demographic variables (namely, age, gender and education) do not significantly influence consumer intentions to buy either domestic or foreign clothing products. Of the consumer dispositions, xenocentrism exerts a significant negative effect on domestic product purchase intentions, cosmopolitanism has a positive effect on foreign product purchase intentions, while ethnocentrism shows no effect on either domestic or foreign product purchase intentions. Implications of the findings are considered and future research directions identified.
TitelProceedings Global Marketing Conference
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Juli 2023
VeranstaltungGlobal Marketing Conference 2023 - Seoul, Südkorea
Dauer: 20 Juli 202323 Juli 2023


KonferenzGlobal Marketing Conference 2023
KurztitelGMC 2023

ÖFOS 2012

  • 502052 Betriebswirtschaftslehre
  • 502020 Marktforschung


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