The RNA-Editing Enzyme ADAR1 Controls Innate Immune Responses to RNA

Niamh M. Mannion, Sam M. Greenwood, Robert Young, Sarah Cox, Brindle James, Read David, Christoffer Nellaker, Cornelia Vesely, Chris P. Ponting, McLaughlin Paul J., Franz-Michael Jantsch, Dorin Julia, Ian R. Adams, A. D. J. Scadden, Marie Öhman, Keegan, Liam P., Mary O'Connell

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelPeer Reviewed


The ADAR RNA-editing enzymes deaminate adenosine bases to inosines in cellular RNAs. Aberrant interferon expression occurs in patients in whom ADAR1 mutations cause Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS) or dystonia arising from striatal neurodegeneration. Adar1 mutant mouse embryos show aberrant interferon induction and die by embryonic day E12.5. We demonstrate that Adar1 embryonic lethality is rescued to live birth in Adar1; Mavs double mutants in which the antiviral interferon induction response to cytoplasmic double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is prevented. Aberrant immune responses in Adar1 mutant mouse embryo fibroblasts are dramatically reduced by restoring the expression of editing-active cytoplasmic ADARs. We propose that inosine in cellular RNA inhibits antiviral inflammatory and interferon responses by altering RLR interactions. Transfecting dsRNA oligonucleotides containing inosine-uracil base pairs into Adar1 mutant mouse embryo fibroblasts reduces the aberrant innate immune response. ADAR1 mutations causing AGS affect the activity of the interferon-inducible cytoplasmic isoform more severely than the nuclear isoform.

Seiten (von - bis)1482-1494
FachzeitschriftCell Reports
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 20 Nov. 2014

ÖFOS 2012

  • 106052 Zellbiologie


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