Projekte pro Jahr
QLev4G: Quantum control of levitated massive mechanical systems: a new approach for gravitational quantum physics
Aspelmeyer, M. & Paulovics, V.
1/06/15 → 31/05/20
Projekt: Forschungsförderung
MAQROsteps: Increase the TRLs of key technologies for testing the foundations of physics with macroscopic quantum resonators
Kaltenbaek, R. & Paulovics, V.
1/08/13 → 31/07/15
Projekt: Forschungsförderung
ULE-Cavity-Access: Stable, fibre-coupled ultra-low-expansion cavities with good optical access for cryogenic experiments in space
Kaltenbaek, R. & Paulovics, V.
1/04/16 → 15/10/17
Projekt: Forschungsförderung