Visual stimulus familiarity and generalization effects: An experimental examination of mediating factors.

Pablo Tinio (Korresp. Autor*in), Helmut Leder

    Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftMeeting Abstract/Conference PaperPeer Reviewed


    Previous studies have shown that familiarization to a visual stimulus positively influences its subsequent judgment (e.g., Zajonc, 1968). However, the relationship between familiarization and aesthetic evaluation is complex, with several studies demonstrating that factors such as the characteristics of the stimulus can influence this relationship (e.g., Berlyne, 1970; Bornstein, 1989). The present experimental study investigated the interplay between familiarization to visual stimuli and participants¿ subsequent aesthetic judgment of them. The stimuli varied mainly in terms of complexity and symmetry characteristics. Judgment analyses of each participant were conducted according to the framework employed by Jacobsen and Höfel (2002) and Jacobsen (2004)., Englisch
    FachzeitschriftUnknown Journal
    PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2007
    VeranstaltungEuropean Conference on Visual Perception, Arezzo 2007 - Arezzo, Italien
    Dauer: 27 Aug. 200731 Aug. 2007

    ÖFOS 2012

    • 501001 Allgemeine Psychologie


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