Von der Kunst nach der Flucht / We Are Artists! First Thing

Max Leimstättner (Regisseur*in), Michael Parzer (Wiss. Berater*in)

Veröffentlichungen: Elektronische/multimediale VeröffentlichungFilm


The ethnographic movie "We are artists! First thing" tells the story of 3 artists who immigrated from Syria to Austria in recent years. (fine arts, music, theatre) It not only emphasizes the artists very own ways and styles of doing art but also their conditions of work in a new country as well as their possibilities and difficulties to gain foothold in local art scenes.

Length: 36 minutes
Format: 4K ProRes 422 10bit
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Dez. 2022

ÖFOS 2012

  • 504008 Ethnographie
  • 504021 Migrationsforschung
