Climate Duties

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public


Climate change comes with a range of very tricky normative problems. In the context of this debate, “climate duties” have been particularly controversial. In this talk, I use climate duties as an umbrella term for moral obligations to relate to goals of mitigation (reduction of emissions) and adaptation (realizing new living conditions that cope with the effects of climate change). The most difficult issue is not to reason duties in this context – in taking climate victims into account, rescue duties and duties that relate to human rights have already been argued. Instead, the most difficult issue is the concept and the justification of a “joint climate duty”. Obviously, single persons and even single big emitters will not make a difference. But arguing joint duties cannot rely on this insight alone. Instead, this talk shall give an idea about a theoretical framing which helps to introduce and clarify the content of “joint climate duties.”
Period20 Sep 2018
Held atLund University, Sweden