Tekmovanje proti sodelovanju: poklicne poti naravoslavcev v habsburški monarhiji 18. stoletja. Zgodba I. A. Scopoli in N. J. Jacquina. Od: Ionnes Antonius Scopoli polihistor v Deželi Kranjski. Praznovanje 300-letnice rojstva polihistorja Joannesa Antoniusa Scopolija. Org. Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljublani. Competition versus cooperation: career paths of naturalistes in the habsburg Monarchy of the 18th century. A story between I. A. Scopoli and N. J. Jacquin. At: International expert consultation on the 300th anniversary of the polymath Joannes Antonius Scopoli’s birth

  • Marianne Klemun (Speaker)

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Period2 Jun 2023
Held atUniversity of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Degree of RecognitionInternational