Von der Kunst, Kultur zu bewahren

Activity: Academic eventsOrganisation of ...


The art of preserving culture

At the same timethe closing conference (fourth conference) of the international team led byAdelheid Krah ‘En route to a shared identity. Sources on the history of CentralEurope in the Digital Age’.

Theinternational team, whose members are renowned scholars working at universitiesand archives in research and teaching in Austria as well as in neighbouringcountries of Austria, has existed since 2014 and is explicitly addressing thequestion of the conservation and preservation of culture in the CentralEuropean and European area. As it apparently becomes more difficult, despitethe digitization and the opening of borders, to preserve the right of people onculture, cultural networking and the traditionally connecting construction of ashared identity, this time also the study of music as another discipline aswell as the dimension of the art of the interpretation of a piece will beincluded. To the existing co-operations of the working team comes a furthercollaboration with the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna. We arelooking forward to this!

At theconference, next to numerous talks on new topics and issues also two pieceswill be presented:

on the one hand,the in the Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht publishers as well as in the Böhlau publishinghouse issued edited volume of the conference in November 2017 ‘Sources,neighbourhood, community. En route to a shared cultural history of CentralEurope’, ed. A. Krah (Wien, Köln, Weimar 2019, 302 p.),

on the otherhand, the new CD ‘postscriptum B. – Beethoven-Katzer-Kontraste’ with cellosonatas by L. v. Beethoven and G. Katzer (interpreters J.-U. Krah, B. Parz) in a concert at the MUK Vienna at the occasion of the coming Beethoven year.

All contributionsof the conference will again be released in an edited form on the blog ‘Enroute to a shared identity’, link: https://dighist.hypotheses.org/ andpublished until February 2020 online. At this point, the team will lay down itscollaborative work until further notice.

Period14 Nov 201915 Nov 2019
Event typeSeminar/Workshop
Conference number29439
LocationWien, AustriaShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational