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VOLARE - Visual Ontological LAnguage REpresentation
Werner Winiwarter (Speaker)
21 May 2024Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Diagram Safari: A Visualization Literacy Game for Young Children
Johannes Gäbler (Contributor), Christoph Winkler (Contributor), Nora Lengyel (Contributor), Wolfgang Aigner (Contributor), Christine Stoiber (Contributor), Günter Wallner (Contributor) & Simone Kriglstein (Contributor)
2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Culturing conditions impact the lipid biomarker composition of the (hyper)thermophilic hydrogenotrophic methanogens Methanothermococcus okinawensis and Methanocaldococcus villosus
A.-C. Rohrweber (Contributor), M. Thiele (Contributor), Lukas Baumann (Contributor), Simon Karl-Maria Rasso Rittmann (Contributor), Ruth-Sophie Taubner (Contributor), Jörn Peckmann (Contributor), Christa Schleper (Contributor) & Daniel Birgel (Contributor)
Jul 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Lipid Pattern of Methanothermococcus okinawensis under Varying Enceladus-like Conditions
Ruth-Sophie Taubner (Contributor), Lukas Baumann (Contributor), Daniel Birgel (Contributor), Maria Gertrude Firneis (Contributor), Christa Schleper (Contributor) & Simon Karl-Maria Rasso Rittmann (Contributor)
2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Towards A Framework for Gamification-based Intervention Mapping in mHealth
Christopher Helf (Contributor), Patrick Zwickl (Contributor), Helmut Hlavacs (Contributor) & Peter Reichl (Contributor)
29 Sept 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
The HCD-cycle of the LITERACY-Project
Dominik Hagelkruys (Contributor)
Jul 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Integrating Motivational Techniques in gamification systems for behaviour change
Pilar Lusilla (Contributor), Carmina Castellano-Tejedor (Contributor), Christopher Helf (Contributor), Patrick Zwickl (Contributor), Helmut Hlavacs (Contributor), Ari Haukkala (Contributor) & Niklas Ravja (Contributor)
2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Intelligent Decision Making in Distributed Dynamic VM Consolidation Using Fuzzy Q-Learning
Seyed-Saeid Masoumzadeh (Contributor) & Helmut Hlavacs (Contributor)
2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Presence and technology acceptance in younger and elderly participants in a VR-Café scenario.
Anna Felnhofer (Contributor), Oswald David Kothgassner (Contributor), Elisabeth Kastenhofer (Contributor), Nathalie Hauk (Contributor), Jasmine Gomm (Contributor), Leon Beutl (Contributor), Helmut Hlavacs (Contributor) & Ilse Kryspin-Exner (Contributor)
2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Kardiovaskuläre Stressreaktivität während eines virtuellen Redetasks bei gesunden Männern und Frauen
Oswald David Kothgassner (Contributor), Anna Felnhofer (Contributor), Anna-Katharina Heinzle (Contributor), Helmut Hlavacs (Contributor), Leon Beutl (Contributor), Jasmine Gomm (Contributor), Lisa M. Glenk (Contributor) & Ilse Kryspin-Exner (Contributor)
2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Speech anxiety and technology acceptance in a virtual public speaking scenario.
Leon Beutl (Contributor), Anna Felnhofer (Contributor), Oswald David Kothgassner (Contributor) & Helmut Hlavacs (Contributor)
2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Das Projekt ICARUS: Information- and Communicationtechnology Applications: Research on User-oriented Solutions.
Oswald David Kothgassner (Contributor), Anna Felnhofer (Contributor), Elisabeth Kastenhofer (Contributor), Nathalie Hauk (Contributor), Jasmine Gomm (Contributor), Leon Beutl (Contributor), Helmut Hlavacs (Contributor) & Ilse Kryspin-Exner (Contributor)
2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science