Projects per year
- 3 Finished
Apostolo Zeno: A critical edition of the Poesie sacre drammatiche
9/01/20 → 8/01/22
Project: Research funding
Viennese Opera by Italian librettists (1620-1705)
Usula, N. & Noe, A.
1/09/17 → 31/08/19
Project: Research funding
Apostolo Zeno: die kritische Ausgabe der drammi per musica
9/01/17 → 8/01/20
Project: Research funding
Nicodemus Frischlin. Sämtliche Werke: Fünfter Band. Lyrik. 1. Teil 1562-1572
Noe, A. & Noe, C., 2024, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. 532 p.Publications: Book
Antonio Caldara: Il più bel nome. Chi s'arma di virtù.
Noe, A. (ed.) & Griffin, T. (ed.), 2023, Antonio Caldara: Il più bel nome. Chi s'arma di virtù.. Griffin, T. (ed.). Wien: Hollitzer, p. 1-34 (Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, Vol. 162).Publications: Contribution to book › Other contribution to book › Peer Reviewed
Apostolo Zeno: Poesie drammatiche: I.2. da Venceslao (1703) ad Alessandro Severo (1717)
Noe, A. (ed.) & De Feo, A. (ed.), 2022, Wien / Köln: Böhlau Verlag. 806 p.Publications: Book › Peer Reviewed
Commendatore dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana
Noe, Alfred (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Prize, award or honor
Officier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques
Noe, Alfred (Recipient), 2003
Prize: Prize, award or honor
Nicodemus Frischlin (1547-1590). Un poeta neolatino dalla vita assai movimentata
Alfred Noe (Speaker)
7 Jun 2024Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
Alessandro Manzoni. Il profeta di una nazione cattolica
Alfred Noe (Speaker)
19 Oct 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
The dramatic elements in the Ambigu at the Viennese court in 1815. A five-flavour pièce montée
Alfred Noe (Speaker)
13 Oct 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science