Alexandra Ganser-Blumenau
- Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, Department of English and American Studies - Professor
Person: Academic staff
Dennis Wegener
- Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, Department of German Studies - Senior Scientist
Person: Academic staff
Barbara Maly-Bowie
- Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, Department of English and American Studies - External lecturer
Person: Academic staff
Birgit Englert
- Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, Department of African Studies - Tenure track professor
Person: Academic staff
Birgit R. Erdle
- Lichtenberg Kolleg e.V.
- Hebrew University Jerusalem
- Leo Baeck Institute London for the Study of the History and Culture of German-speaking Jewry
External person
Grazyna Kwieczynska
External person
Susanne Dr. Asche
External person