Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

Work experience:

03/2020 – today:
Post-doctoral researcher in the ERC-funded project Mappola (, PI: Peter Kruschwitz)

03/2018– 28/02/2020:
Researcher at the Austrian Archaeological Institute (Head Office Vienna), Innovationsfonds Project of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW): Provenance Matters. A multi-proxy Approach for the Determination of White Marbles in the Roman East (ÖAW4009, Project leaders: S. Ladstätter W. Prochaska)

04/2016 – today:
Member of the editorial staff of the journal „Tyche Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik“

10/2014 – 02/2018:
Pre-doc assistant at the Institute of Ancient History and Antiquities, Papyrology and Epigraphy, University of Vienna (Prof. F. Mitthof)

04/2013 – today:
External collaborator of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum VI (Roma)

Teaching experience:

WiSe 2017:
Militavit in Urbe: Leben und Sterben der Soldaten in Rom (Latin Epigraphy for MA) – University of Vienna

SoSe 2017:
Religiöses Leben in der Stadt Rom: Götter und Kulte (Latin Epigraphy for MA) – University of Vienna

WiSe 2016:
Online-Datenbanken für die Alte Geschichte (Ancient History) – University of Vienna

SoSe 2016:
Epigraphische Spaziergänge durch die Stadt Rom (Latin Epigraphy for MA) – University of Vienna

WiSe 2015:
Everyday life in Ancient Rome (Ancient History) – University of Vienna


08/2015 – 19/02/2020:
PhD in Ancient History at the University of Vienna
Thesis in Latin Epigraphy: Miles in Urbe: Costrutti identitari e forme di autorappresentazione nelle iscrizioni dei soldati di origine danubiana e balcanica a Roma (Supervisors: F. Mitthof, S. Orlandi).

09/2010 – 03/2013:
MA in Archeology and Ancient History – Università di Roma
MA Thesis in Latin Epigraphy: Mediolanenses Migrantes (Supervisors: M. L. Caldelli, G. L. Gregori).

09/2007 – 06/2010:
BA in Classical Studies – Università degli Studi di Milano
BA thesis in Roman Archeology: Gli archi onorari di età Flavia a Roma (Supervisor: prof. F. Slavazzi)

09/2002 – 06/2007:
Liceo Classico Ginnasio G. Berchet, Milano.

Further academic achievements:

Member of the Austrian Team, WTZ Project Austria / Bulgaria. Scientific and Technological Cooperation “The Schytica Vindobonensia and the Gothic raids of the mid-third century AD in the territory of modern Bulgaria” (Project No. BG 07/2017 / Проект N° ДХТС / Австрия 01/11)

EpiDoc Training at the Institute of Classical Studies, London (Tutors: G. Bodard, L. Vannini and S. Stoyanova).

06/2016 – 01/2017:
Cataloguing of the epigraphic squeezes of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).



Mother tongue:                         Italian

Other Languages:                     German:           C2

                                               English:            C1

                                               French:             B1

                                               Bulgarian          A1


Digital competence:               

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), Autodesk AutoCAD, XML – EpiDoc.


Special mention for the "Premio Giancarlo Susini V edizione":

Holder of the EDR (Epigraphic Database Roma) scholarship for the digitalisation of the Giovanni Battista de Rossi’s epigraphic collection in Rome.

Organisation of academic events

Since 2020:
Organisation of the cycle of lectures "Forum Antike", University of Vienna

Organisation of the Workshop "Digitale Epigraphik und althistorische Forschung", Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Universität Wien, 20. Februar 2020.

Member of the steering committee of the XVth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy. Languages – Culture of Writing – Identities in Antiquity (Vienna, 28th August – 1st September 2017):

Organisation of the 3rd Workshop and Technical Training (University of Vienna, 27th May - 1st June 2019):


Since 2019:
Member of IDEA, International Digital Epigraphy Association (

Since 2018:
Member of the scientific committee (

Since 2017:
Member of the AIEGL, Association International d’Épigraphie Graeque et Latine (

Since 2013:
Ordinary Member of the Association Terra Italia Onlus (

Since 2016:
Member of the Tyche-Verein

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or