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Differential motives of aggressive behavior in different contexts: Rage, revenge, reward, and recreation in offline and cyberbullying
Takuya Yanagida (Speaker), Daniel Graf (Speaker), Kevin Runions (Speaker) & Christiane Spiel (Speaker)
21 Jun 2022Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Challenges in Learning under COVID-19 among Adolescents: Gender and Age Differences
Elisabeth Pelikan (Speaker), Selma Korlat Ikanovic (Speaker), Julia Holzer (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor), Christiane Spiel (Contributor) & Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor)
1 Dec 2021 → 31 Dec 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Empathys and sensation seekings differential role in offline and online bullying
Takuya Yanagida (Contributor), Daniel Graf (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
8 Nov 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
A New Perspective on Gender Self-Stereotyping
Selma Korlat Ikanovic (Speaker), Nora Maria Först (Contributor), Marie-Therese Schultes (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor), Christiane Spiel (Contributor) & Marlene Kollmayer (Contributor)
10 Sep 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Gendered pathways to bullying via social achievement goals: Conformity climate and sense of belonging as potential mediators
Takuya Yanagida (Contributor), Marlene Kollmayer (Contributor), Lisa Bardach (Contributor), Daniel Graf (Contributor), Christiane Spiel (Contributor) & Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor)
Sep 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Reflect - A training program to promote gender equality in schools
Marlene Kollmayer (Contributor), Marie-Therese Schultes (Contributor), Monika Finsterwald (Contributor), Vera Popper (Contributor), Christiane Spiel (Contributor) & Barbara Schober (Contributor)
Aug 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Through the magnifying glass: Empathy´s role in preventing and promoting traditional and cyberbullying
Daniel Graf (Contributor), Takuya Yanagida (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
15 Sep 2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Does Sensation Seeking predict Cyberbullying and Traditional Bullying differentially?
Daniel Graf (Contributor), Takuya Yanagida (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
12 Jul 2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Entwicklung und Validierung einer Kompetenzaxonomie zur Qualitätssicherung in der kompetenzorientierten universitären Lehre: Der Competence Screening Questionnaire for Higher Education (CSQ-HE)
Christoph Burger (Contributor), Evelyn Maria Bergsmann (Contributor), Julia Klug (Contributor), Nora Maria Först (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
3 Oct 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Entwicklung und Validierung einer Kompetenztaxonomie zur Qualitätssicherung in der kompetenzorientierten Lehre
Christoph Burger (Speaker), Evelyn Maria Bergsmann (Speaker), Julia Klug (Speaker), Nora Maria Först (Speaker) & Christiane Spiel (Speaker)
18 Sep 2016 → 22 Sep 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Chancen einer Curriculum-basierten Entwicklung und Evaluation von Auswahlverfahren am Beispiel der Studierendenauswahl für Humanmedizin
Andreas Pfaffel (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
30 May 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Kompetenzen zum Selbstregulierten Lernen bei Studierenden valider erfassen und situationsspezifisch fördern ein Messinstrument mit Fokus Praxistransfer
Nora Maria Först (Contributor), Julia Klug (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
May 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
PRO-SRL-EVA: Produkt- und Prozessorientierte Modellierung und Erfassung von Kompetenzen zum Selbstregulierten Lernen im Studium Erweiterte Validierungen
Gabriele Steuer (Contributor), Nicole Eckerlein (Contributor), Nora Maria Först (Contributor), Jessica Lang (Contributor), Julia Klug (Contributor), Christiane Spiel (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor), Bernhard Schmitz (Contributor) & Markus Dresel (Contributor)
Apr 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Giftedness in Mathematics and Peak Performance. Can motivation or classroom structure make a difference?
Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor), Marlene Kollmayer (Contributor), Evelyn Maria Bergsmann (Contributor), Christiane Spiel (Contributor) & Barbara Schober (Contributor)
Apr 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Entwicklung und Validierung einer Kompetenztaxonomie zur Qualitätssicherung in der kompetenzorientierten Lehre [Development and validation of a competence taxonomy for quality assurance in competence-oriented teaching]
Christoph Burger (Contributor), Evelyn Maria Bergsmann (Contributor), Julia Klug (Contributor), Nora Maria Först (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Die LLL-Kompetenz von österreichischen SchülerInnen und deren Zusammenhang mit Unterrichtsstruktur und Leistung
Julia Klug (Contributor), Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Entwicklung und Validierung einer Kompetenztaxonomie zur Qualitätssicherung in der kompetenzorientierten universitären Lehre
Christoph Burger (Contributor), Evelyn Maria Bergsmann (Contributor), Julia Klug (Contributor), Nora Maria Först (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Kompetenzen zum Selbstregulierten Lernen bei Studierenden valider erfassen ein Messinstrument mit Fokus auf Prozesse, Ergebnisse und Einflussgrößen
Nora Maria Först (Contributor), Julia Klug (Contributor), Gregor Jöstl (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Continuous monitoring of the teaching process and students' competences: The Competence Check as an online screening tool
Christoph Burger (Speaker), Evelyn Maria Bergsmann (Speaker), Petra Winter (Speaker), Barbara Schober (Speaker) & Christiane Spiel (Speaker)
7 Jul 2015 → 10 Jul 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Continuous Monitoring of the teaching process and students' competences: The Competence Check as an online Screening tool.
Christoph Burger (Contributor), Evelyn Maria Bergsmann (Contributor), Petra Winter (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
Jul 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
The intricate Interplay of Achievement Goals, Emotions and Academic Performance
Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Students' Achievement Goals, Learning-Related Emotions and Academic Performance
Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Qualitätsmessung durch Schulevaluation - Was assoziieren schulische Fachpersonen mit dem Begriff "Evaluation"?
Matthias Mejeh (Contributor), Marie-Therese Schultes (Contributor), Marlene Kollmayer (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Geschlechterstereotype in der Bildungssozialisation Reflexive Koedukation als Lösungsansatz
Marlene Kollmayer (Contributor), Gregor Jöstl (Contributor), Monika Finsterwald (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Achievement goals, emotions and academic performance: A closer look at their associations
Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor), Marie Langer (Contributor), Katharina Harrer (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
Jun 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Relations between achievement goals and achievement emotions
Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor), Katharina Harrer (Contributor), Marie Langer (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
Apr 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Evaluation kompetenzorientierter Lehre an Hochschulen
Evelyn Maria Bergsmann (Contributor), Petra Winter (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
Apr 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Musste Bob ein Baumeister werden? genderation@work, SchülerInnenprogramm zum Erlernen eines bewussten Umgangs mit Geschlechtsstereotypen und Medien auf dem Weg zur Berufswahl
Florentina Steiner (Contributor), Elke Jirku (Contributor), Alexandra Patzak (Contributor), Marie-Therese Schultes (Contributor), Gregor Jöstl (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
Apr 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Geschlechterstereotype österreichischer Lehrkräfte.
Marlene Kollmayer (Contributor), Nina Hesse (Contributor), Monika Finsterwald (Contributor), Vera Popper (Contributor), Gregor Jöstl (Contributor), Christiane Spiel (Contributor) & Barbara Schober (Contributor)
3 Mar 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Relations between achievement goals and achievment emotions
Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor), Katharina Harrer (Contributor), Marie Langer (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Can a supportive classroom structure foster a positive development of students' learning motivation? Evidence from two studies
Marko Lüftenegger (Contributor), Monika Finsterwald (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Predictive Validity in Selection Procedures. Correcting for Rang Restriction with a Dichotomous Criterion.
Andreas Pfaffel (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
23 Sep 2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Was ist noch möglich: Empfehlungen zur Prüfung der Prognosekraft von Eignungstests im Hochschulbereich in hochselektiven Auswahlverfahren.
Andreas Pfaffel (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
11 Sep 2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
PRO-SRL: Ein Projekt zur Kompetenzmodellierung selbstregulierten Lernens im tertiären Bereich.
Barbara Schober (Contributor), Christiane Spiel (Contributor), Bernhard Schmitz (Contributor), Albert Ziegler (Contributor) & Markus Dresel (Contributor)
2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Video Game Motives in Preadolescents: Testing a Questionnaire for Factorial Structure and Measurement Invariance Across Gender.
Eva-Maria Schiller (Contributor), Dagmar Strohmeier (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Measuring implementation fidelity from different perspectives with multiple methods: The evaluation of the Reflect program as an example
Marie-Therese Schultes (Contributor), Gregor Jöstl (Contributor), Monika Finsterwald (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Determinants relevant to academic achievement: A comparison between immigrant and non-immigrant.
Petra Wagner (Contributor), Dagmar Strohmeier (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Das Koryphäen-Problem als innovativer Indikator für Geschlechterstereotype.
Marlene Kollmayer (Contributor), Barbara Schober (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Fragebogen zur Erfassung von Computerspielmotiven in der frühen Adoleszenz: Entwicklung und Prüfung psychometrischer Eigenschaften.
Eva-Maria Schiller (Contributor), Dagmar Strohmeier (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Academic Achievement of Polyvictimized Youth: Identification of Youth at Risk Using the Austrian PISA 2009 Data.
Petra Gradinger (Contributor), Dagmar Strohmeier (Contributor), Alfred Schabmann (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Predictive Validity of a Dichotomous Criterion Under Direct Range Restriction: A Monte Carlo Study
Andreas Pfaffel (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
25 Jun 2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
The ViSC Program: Preventing aggressive behavior via promoting moral development?
Dagmar Strohmeier (Contributor), Elisabeth Stefanek (Contributor), Takuya Yanagida (Contributor), Eva-Maria Schiller (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Prevention of Cyberbullying: The Evaluation of the ViSC Social Competence Program.
Petra Gradinger (Contributor), Takuya Yanagida (Contributor), Dagmar Strohmeier (Contributor), Elisabeth Stefanek (Contributor), Eva-Maria Schiller (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Supporting evidence-based prevention in schools with the Austrian Violence Evaluation Online Tool (AVEO).
Marie-Therese Schultes (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Academic achievement of immigrant adolescents in Austria: Exploring determinants relevant to achievement.
Petra Wagner (Contributor), Dagmar Strohmeier (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
The ViSC Program. Preventing aggressive behavior via promoting moral development?
Eva-Maria Schiller (Contributor), Dagmar Strohmeier (Contributor), Elisabeth Stefanek (Contributor), Takuya Yanagida (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Fostering evidence-based prevention in schools through self-evaluation: The Austrian violence evaluation online-tool (AVEO)
Marie-Therese Schultes (Speaker), Dagmar Strohmeier (Speaker), Christoph Burger (Speaker) & Christiane Spiel (Speaker)
5 Jul 2011 → 6 Jul 2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Pre-venting one's anger? Digital game playing motives among violent and non-violent game players
Eva-Maria Schiller (Contributor), Jörg-Tobias Kuhn (Contributor), Dagmar Strohmeier (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Cyber-victimisation: The association between help-seeking behaviors and emotional symptoms in Austrian youth
Petra Gradinger (Contributor), Dagmar Strohmeier (Contributor), Julian Dooley (Contributor), Donna Cross (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Cybervictimization: The Impact of Help-seeking Behaviour on Depressive Symptoms
Petra Gradinger (Contributor), Dagmar Strohmeier (Contributor) & Christiane Spiel (Contributor)
2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science