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Theoretical contributions by nursing researchers of the German-speaking area: A focused mapping review and synthesis
Jasmin Eppel-Meichlinger (Speaker), Ana Raquel Valente dos Santos Cartaxo (Contributor), Theresa Clement (Contributor), Julian Hirt (Contributor), Martin Wallner (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
12 May 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Mapping the landscape of theoretical nursing research in the German-speaking area of Europe: A focused mapping review and synthesis
Jasmin Eppel-Meichlinger (Contributor), Ana Raquel Valente dos Santos Cartaxo (Contributor), Theresa Clement (Contributor), Julian Hirt (Speaker), Martin Wallner (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
23 Mar 2023 → 24 Mar 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Probabilistic thinking: Eine prinzipienbasierte Begriffsanalyse im Kontext der rekonzeptualisierten Uncertainty in Illness Theory (RUIT)
Jasmin Eppel-Meichlinger (Speaker), Andrea Kobleder (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
10 Dec 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Probabilistic thinking: Eine prinzipienbasierte Begriffsanalyse im Kontext der rekonzeptualisierten Uncertainty in Illness Theory (RUIT)
Jasmin Eppel-Meichlinger (Speaker), Andrea Kobleder (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
12 Nov 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Entwicklung einer Programmtheorie zur Evaluation der Hospiz- und Palliativversorgung für Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene in Niederösterreich
Daniela Haselmayer (Contributor), Martin Wallner (Contributor), Hanna Mayer (Contributor) & Martin Nagl-Cupal (Contributor)
13 Oct 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Angehörige als Advokaten von Sterbewilligen mit Wunsch durch freiwilligen Verzicht auf Nahrung und Flüssigkeit (FVNF) das Leben zu beenden: Eine Multiple-Case Study
Jasmin Eppel-Meichlinger (Speaker), Sabrina Stängle (Contributor), Hanna Mayer (Contributor) & Andrè Fringer (Contributor)
10 Jun 2021 → 13 Jun 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Wie wirkt die Validationsmethode nach Feil?
Tamara Nemeth (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
Oct 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Nurses' Strain in Dementia Care and Work Quality in Nursing Homes With and Without Dementia Special Care Units: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Laura Adlbrecht (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
25 May 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Dementia-Service Lower Austria: Evaluation of an Easy Access Service for People with (suspected) Dementia Living at Home and for their Families
Melanie Mattes (Contributor), Martina Koller (Contributor), Andreas Schneider (Contributor), Renate Gabler-Mostler (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Staff Perception of the Psychosocial Environment in Long-Term Care: A Survey-Based Study
Martin Wallner (Contributor), Christiane Hildebrandt (Contributor), Stefan Gschwenter (Contributor), Gudrun Bauer (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Dementia-Service Lower Austria: Evaluation of a Low-threshold Offer for People with Dementia Living at Home and their Families
Melanie Mattes (Contributor), Martina Koller (Contributor), Andreas Schneider (Contributor), Renate Gabler-Mostler (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Evaluating person-centeredness in long-term care - German translation and testing of the Person-Centred Practice Inventory (PCPI-S)
Sabine Köck-Hódi (Contributor), Maya Lynn Deborah Weis (Contributor), Stefan Gschwenter (Contributor), Martin Wallner (Contributor), Christiane Hildebrandt (Contributor), Brendan McCormack (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Belastungen und Arbeitsqualität der Pflegepersonen in der Pflege von Menschen mit Demenz in Pflegeheimen mit und ohne Demenzstation
Laura Adlbrecht (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Evaluation des Pilotprojekts "Demenz-Service Niederösterreich"
Melanie Mattes (Contributor), Martina Koller (Contributor), Andreas Schneider (Contributor), Renate Gabler-Mostler (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Colorectal cancer patients symptom and illness experience throughout the treatment trajectory -
Christiane Hildebrandt (Contributor), Antje Koller (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
30 Jun 2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
The process of mastering symptoms related to colorectal cancer:
Christiane Hildebrandt (Contributor), Antje Koller (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
30 Jun 2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Evaluation of a nurse-led self-management support intervention for patients with cancer-related pain: Practical issues of a cluster randomized stepped wedge trial (EvANtiPain)
Antje Koller (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
29 Jun 2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Zwischen Meistern und Aus-dem Gleichgewicht-kommen - Symptomerfahrungen bei einem kolorektalen Karzinom: Eine Meta-Ethnographie
Christiane Hildebrandt (Contributor), Antje Koller (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Komplexes Medikamentenregime bei chronisch Erkrankten - Eine empirische Grundlage zur Entwicklung eines Edukationskonzeptes für PatientInnen und Angehörige im klinischen Setting
Melanie Mattes (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
"Multi-Beings" - Ein theoretischer Diskurs zur pflegerischen Beziehung von Fachpersonen und Bedürftigen
Mareike Hechinger (Contributor), Andrč Fringer (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) in gynaecological oncology
Andrea Kobleder (Contributor), Hanna Mayer (Contributor), Sandra Preinknoll (Contributor) & Beate Senn (Contributor)
29 May 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Entwicklung des Integrativen Modells der Personenzentrierung Niederösterreich als Grundlage der Pflege- und Betreuungskonzeption in den Landespflegeheimen Niederösterreich
Christiane Hildebrandt (Contributor), Eva Faul (Contributor), Martin Wallner (Contributor), Gudrun Bauer (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
20 Apr 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Entwicklung personenzentrierter Prozesse in der Langzeitpflege: Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Wahrnehmung des psychosozialen Klimas
Martin Wallner (Contributor), Christiane Hildebrandt (Contributor), Gudrun Bauer (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
20 Apr 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Wieder mobil oder bettlägerig?
Laura Adlbrecht (Contributor), Sabine Schrank (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
20 Apr 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Entwicklung eines Beratungskonzeptes für chronisch Erkrankte mit komplexem Medikamentenregime und deren Angehörigen im klinischen Setting
Melanie Mattes (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
20 Apr 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Hear Do Reflect - Learn
Eva Zojer (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
20 Apr 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Symptommanagement bei Krebstherapien
Natasa Prajo (Contributor), Sabine Köck-Hódi (Contributor), Martin Matzka (Contributor), Silvia Raphaelis (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
2 Mar 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Hear Do Reflect - Learn
Eva Zojer (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
2 Mar 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Entwicklung personenzentrierter Prozesse in der Langzeitpflege: Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Wahrnehmung des psychosozialen Klimas
Martin Wallner (Contributor), Christiane Hildebrandt (Contributor), Gudrun Bauer (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
2 Mar 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Entwicklung des "Integrativen Modells der Personenzentrierung Niederösterreich" als Grundlage der Pflege- und Betreuungskonzeption in den Landespflegeheimen Niederösterreich
Christiane Hildebrandt (Contributor), Eva Faul (Contributor), Martin Wallner (Contributor), Gudrun Bauer (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
The impact of written information and counseling (WOMAN-PRO II Program) on symptom outcomes in women with vulvar neoplasia
Silvia Raphaelis (Contributor), Hanna Mayer (Contributor) & Beate Senn (Contributor)
2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Promoting continence in stroke survivors
Myrta Kohler (Contributor), Hanna Mayer (Contributor), Jürg Kesselring (Contributor) & Susi Saxer (Contributor)
16 Sep 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Erleben der Inkontinenz nach Hirnschlag
Myrta Kohler (Contributor), Hanna Mayer (Contributor), Jeanette Mullis (Contributor), Jürg Kesselring (Contributor) & Susi Saxer (Contributor)
1 Jun 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Repetitive periphere Muskelstimulation (RPMS) versus Beckenbodentraining
Sabine Schrank (Contributor), Laura Kinsperger (Contributor), Martina Mitterer (Contributor), Martina Koller (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
24 Sep 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Entstehung von Bettlägerigkeit in der institutionellen Langzeitpflege
Sabine Schrank (Contributor), Hanna Mayer (Contributor) & Angelika Zegelin (Contributor)
24 Sep 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Im Spannungsfeld Sicherheit-Risiko-Selbstbestimmung agieren. Ein Praxis-Wissenschaftsdialog in der Demenzversorgung
Julia Hauprich (Contributor), Stefanie Maria Mayrhofer (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
22 Sep 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Unerfüllte Unterstützungsbedürfnisse von tagesklinisch und stationär behandelten onkologischen PatientInnen
Martin Matzka (Contributor), Martina Koller (Contributor), Sabine Köck-Hódi (Contributor), Silvia Raphaelis (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
20 Sep 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Entstehung von Bettlägerigkeit in der institutionellen Langzeitpflege. Einfluss auf die zunehmende Immobilisierung älterer Menschen
Sabine Schrank (Contributor), Hanna Mayer (Contributor) & Angelika Zegelin (Contributor)
10 Sep 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Typologie des Erlebens
Hanna Mayer (Contributor), Christiane Hildebrandt (Contributor), Johanna Breuer (Contributor) & Sabine Köck-Hódi (Contributor)
10 Sep 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Repetitive periphere Muskelstimulation (RPMS) versus Beckenbodentraining
Sabine Schrank (Contributor), Laura Kinsperger (Contributor), Martina Mitterer (Contributor), Martina Koller (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
10 Sep 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Kognitive Beeinträchtigungen bei älteren PatientInnen im Akutkrankenhaus - Eine multizentrische Prävalenzstudie
Hanna Mayer (Contributor), Martin Wallner (Contributor), Eva Faul (Contributor) & Martina Koller (Contributor)
10 Sep 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Entwicklung eines evidenzbasierten Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) Konzeptes in der gynäkologischen Onkologie
Andrea Kobleder (Contributor), Hanna Mayer (Contributor) & Beate Senn (Contributor)
4 Sep 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Repetitive periphere Muskelstimulation (RPMS) versus Beckenbodentraining
Sabine Schrank (Contributor), Laura Kinsperger (Contributor), Martina Mitterer (Contributor), Martina Koller (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
Sep 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Older Adults in the Acute Hospital - A Multicenter Prevalence Study
Martin Wallner (Contributor), Eva Faul (Contributor), Martina Koller (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
26 Apr 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
The complex situation of patients with advanced colon cancer - the experience of coping with disease and therapy
Hanna Mayer (Contributor), Sabine Köck-Hódi (Contributor) & Christiane Hildebrandt (Contributor)
Jun 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Illness-related uncertainty in colon cancer patients: preliminary results of a cross-sectional descriptive study
Martin Wallner (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
Jun 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
The transition from living despite cancer to living with cancer - a qualitative study on the self-perception of breast cancer survivors
Hanna Mayer (Contributor) & Johanna Breuer (Contributor)
Jun 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Repetitive peripheral muscle stimulation (RPMS) versus pelvic floor training
Sabine Schrank (Contributor), Hanna Mayer (Contributor) & Martina Mitterer (Contributor)
Jun 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Development and evaluation of a nurse counseling prorgam "WOMAN-PRO II" to improve self-management of postsurgical symptoms in women with vulvar neoplasia
Silvia Raphaelis (Contributor), Hanna Mayer (Contributor) & Beate Senn (Contributor)
Jun 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Messung von Ergebnissen in der Pflege von PatientInnen mit der Nebendiagnose Demenz im Akutkrankenhaus das Nursing Role Effectiveness Model
Eva Faul (Contributor), Julia Zottl (Contributor) & Hanna Mayer (Contributor)
13 Mar 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science