Personal profile

Research interests

Old Slavonic Studies, Byznatine Studies, Comparative Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Patristics, Intellectual history, History of Ideas

Editorial work

Philological Forum (ISSN 2534-9473) - Redactor 

Scripta & e-Scripta (ISSN 2603-3364, 1312-238X) - Redactor


Humboldt Union Bulgaria (since 2021)

Slavic Linguistics Society (since 2022)

Austrian Society for Slavistic (since 2023)

Austrian Byzantine Socienty (since 2023)

Association for the Development of the University Classical Education (ADUCE), Bulgaria (since 2016)

Special qualifications and skills

Graphic Design (Working qualification)

Organisation of academic events

  • 2023.04.24-27 Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe Evangelie and the South Slavonic Homiletic Texts (9th-13th century): Philological and Interdisciplinary Aspects (Institute for Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology, BAS, Sofia)
  • 2023.12.15-16 Sixth Annual Readings of the Association for the Development of the University Classical Education, Sofia University 'St Kliment Ohridksi', Bulgaria
  • 2022.11. Neighbouring Ideas. The Byzantine–Slavonic Intellectual Contacts (Universität Wien, Institut für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik)
  • 2022. Херменевтически лабиринти: мит, име, история. Пети одишни четения на Асоциацията за развитие на университетското класическо образование. София
  • 2021. 04. Логос, догма, фантазия. Четвърти годишни четения на Асоциацията за развитие на университетското класическо образование. София
  • 2019. 12. Сватбата на Филология и Меркурий. Трети годишни четения на Асоциацията за развитие на университетското класическо образование. София
  • 2018. 11. Трети международен филологически форум, Факултет по славянски филологии, Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“


Curriculum vitae

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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