Activities per year
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Acquisitional neophilia or retentional exploration in birds
Mark O'Hara (Contributor), Alice Auersperg (Contributor), Auguste von Bayern (Contributor), Thomas Bugnyar (Contributor), Ludwig Huber (Contributor), Berenika Mioduszewska (Contributor), Anna Claire Wilkinson (Contributor) & Gyula Gajdon (Contributor)
Aug 2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
The impact of exploration in kea parrots solving a trap-table problem
Gyula Gajdon (Contributor), Michael Eigster (Contributor), Mark O'Hara (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Comparative studies in visual pattern processing
Gesche Westphal Fitch (Contributor), Ludwig Huber (Contributor) & William Tecumseh Sherman Fitch (Contributor)
2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Effect of inhibitory control on problem solving in dogs
Corsin Müller (Contributor), Stefanie Riemer (Contributor), Zsofia Viranyi (Contributor), Ludwig Huber (Contributor) & Friederike Range (Contributor)
2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Tortoises using touch screens
Ulrike Aust (Contributor), Ludwig Huber (Contributor), Julia Müller (Contributor), Anna Wilkinson (Contributor), Geoffrey Hall (Contributor) & Michael Steurer (Contributor)
2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
How predictive are early puppy temperament tests?
Corsin Müller (Contributor), Ludwig Huber (Contributor), Zsofia Viranyi (Contributor), Friederike Range (Contributor) & Erik Kersting (Contributor)
2010Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Flexibility of human-directed behaviour in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris)
Lisa Horn (Contributor), Zsófia Virányi (Contributor), Ádám Miklósi (Contributor), Ludwig Huber (Contributor) & Friederike Range (Contributor)
2009Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
The absence of reward induces inequity aversion
Friederike Range (Contributor), Lisa Horn (Contributor), Zsófia Virányi (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2009Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
What dogs imitate in a "Do as I do" paradigm
Friederike Range (Contributor), Ádám Miklósi (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
The touch-screen method as an implement for dog experiments
Friederike Range (Contributor), Karin Bayer (Contributor), Ulrike Aust (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
The maintenance of traditions in free-living marmosets: Individual habit or social conformity?
Tina Gunhold (Contributor), Mario Pesendorfer (Contributor), Nicola Schiel (Contributor), Antonio Souto (Contributor), Ludwig Huber (Contributor) & Friederike Range (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
The influence of ostensive demonstration on selective imitation in dogs
Zsofia Viranyi (Contributor), Friederike Range (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
To see or not to see? Inference by exclusion in corvids and parrots
Hans Christian Schlögl (Contributor), Anneke Dierks (Contributor), Gyula Gajdon (Contributor), Ludwig Huber (Contributor), Kurt Kotrschal (Contributor) & Thomas Bugnyar (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Human-Directed Gazing Behavior in Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris)
Lisa Horn (Contributor), Péter Pongrácz (Contributor), Zsofia Viranyi (Contributor), Ludwig Huber (Contributor), Ádám Miklósi (Contributor) & Friederike Range (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Support problem tasks in kea (Nestor notabilis)
Alice Auersperg (Contributor), Ludwig Huber (Contributor) & Gyula Gajdon (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Monkeys see, monkeys do: Copying of motion patterns in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
Bernhard Völkl (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Do kea (Nestor notabilis) plan before starting to solve an artificial-fruit box with multiple locks?
Miyata Hiromitsu (Contributor), Gyula Gajdon (Contributor), Ludwig Huber (Contributor) & Kazuo Fujita (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Personality in dogs and its influence on social learning behaviour
Friederike Range (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Working Dog Personalities: Individual Differences in Learning Performance
Friederike Range (Contributor), Judith Vas (Contributor), Ádám Miklósi (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Do kea (Nestor notabilis) solve mechanical problems according to prior non-rewarded exploration experience?
Claudia Wolf (Contributor), Gyula Gajdon (Contributor), Corinna Bürger (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Observational learning in keas (Nestor notabilis)
Mario Pesendorfer (Contributor), Gyula Gajdon (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Perception of rotating objects by pigeons
Johanna Kramer (Contributor), Ulrike Aust (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Representational insight in pigeons
Ulrike Aust (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Is priority of rules how to open boxes adjusted by social information in keas?
Gyula Gajdon (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Kea perform toddler like object play
Gyula Gajdon (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Kea attend more to visual features of novel food sites than to their absolute position
Laurent Amann (Contributor), Gyula Gajdon (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
A new method for testing dogs' cognitive abilities
Friederike Range (Contributor), Karin Bayer (Contributor), Ulrike Aust (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Categorical versus dimensional perception of human faces by pigeons determined by a multiple-matching procedure
Wilfried Apfalter (Contributor), Nikolaus F. Troje (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Visual categorization of natural stimuli in domestic dogs
Friederike Range (Contributor), Karin Bayer (Contributor), Ulrike Aust (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Why domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) perform differently in a social learning task
Lisa Horn (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Comparison of attention in several species
Friederike Range (Contributor), Lisa Horn (Contributor), Thomas Bugnyar (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Sequence Learning in Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus).
Tina Gunhold (Contributor), Friederike Range (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Science to Science
Flexibility in using objects for food in a non tool-using bird species
Gyula Gajdon (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other
Group dynamics in the hunting behaviour of archerfish (Toxotes chatareus): A laboratory analysis
Michael Pollirer (Contributor), Wilfried Apfalter (Contributor), Ivo Machatschke (Contributor) & Ludwig Huber (Contributor)
2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Poster presentation › Other