Projects per year
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DCAFM : Doctoral College Advanced Functional Materials
Dellago, C., Ayala, P., Arndt, M., Bismarck, A., Franchini, C., Gonzalez Herrero, L., Kantorovich, S., Kotakoski, J., Kresse, G., Likos, C., Pichler, T. & Rennhofer, C.
1/10/20 → 30/09/24
Project: Research funding
SuperMaMa: Superconducting Mass Spectrometry and Molecule Analysis
1/01/20 → 30/06/23
Project: Research funding
ESQ ESQ-FP: Erwin Schrödinger Quantum Science Programme
Arndt, M. & Putz, S.
1/09/19 → 30/11/21
Project: Research funding
SUMO: A Superconducting Molecule Detector
Arndt, M. & Paulovics, V.
20/05/19 → 31/10/20
Project: Research funding
QUAOS: Quantum-Assisted Optical Spectroscopy
Shayeghi, A., Arndt, M. & Paulovics, V.
1/04/18 → 31/03/20
Project: Research funding
COLMI: Coherent Optics for Long-Base-Line Molecule Interferometry
Arndt, M. & Paulovics, V.
1/05/17 → 30/06/20
Project: Research funding
NANO-Q: Cavity Cooling of Nanosilicon for Quantum Interference Experiments
Arndt, M., Millen, J. & Paulovics, V.
16/05/15 → 15/05/17
Project: Research funding
CAVICOOL: Resonatorkühlung von dielektrischen Nanopartikeln
Arndt, M., Kuhn, S. & Paulovics, V.
1/11/14 → 30/04/18
Project: Research funding
Simulated Interactive Research Experiments - Quantum@School
1/04/14 → 31/03/15
Project: Research funding
PROBIOTIQUS: Processing of biomolecular targets for interferometric quantum experiments
Arndt, M. & Paulovics, V.
1/04/13 → 31/03/18
Project: Research funding
NANOQUESTFIT: Nanoparticles in Quantum Experiments: Exploring the scientific basis of future innovative quantum technologies
1/01/13 → 31/12/15
Project: Research funding
CoQuS: Complex Quantum Systems
Aspelmeyer, M., Arndt, M. & Paulovics, V.
1/10/07 → 31/12/20
Project: Research funding