Personal profile

Research interests

Space instrumentation; signal and data processing; planning, development and operations of space missions

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Curriculum vitae

Born in Freistadt, Austria (1975); Master in Astronomy (2004), PhD in Natural Scineces (2009)

1995: civil service

2000-2009: research assistant at the Univiersity of Vienna

2009-2012: Post-Doc at the TU Graz

2012-2019: Senior Post-Doc at the University of Vienna

since 2019: Senior Scientist at the University of Vienna


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or
  • 55 Cancri e's occultation captured with CHEOPS

    Demory, B. O., Sulis, S., Meier Valdés, E., Delrez, L., Brandeker, A., Billot, N., Fortier, A., Hoyer, S., Sousa, S. G., Heng, K., Lendl, M., Krenn, A., Morris, B. M., Patel, J. A., Alibert, Y., Alonso, R., Anglada, G., Bárczy, T., Barrado, D., Barros, S. C. C., & 56 othersBaumjohann, W., Beck, M., Beck, T., Benz, W., Bonfils, X., Broeg, C., Buder, M., Cabrera, J., Charnoz, S., Collier Cameron, A., Cottard, H., Csizmadia, S., Davies, M. B., Deleuil, M., Demangeon, O. D. S., Ehrenreich, D., Erikson, A., Fossati, L., Fridlund, M., Gandolfi, D., Gillon, M., Güdel, M., Isaak, K. G., Kiss, L. L., Laskar, J., Lecavelier Des Etangs, A., Lovis, C., Luntzer, A., Magrin, D., Marafatto, L., Maxted, P. F. L., Nascimbeni, V., Olofsson, G., Ottensamer, R., Pagano, I., Pallé, E., Peter, G., Piotto, G., Pollacco, D., Queloz, D., Ragazzoni, R., Rando, N., Ratti, F., Rauer, H., Ribas, I., Santos, N. C., Scandariato, G., Ségransan, D., Simon, A. E., Smith, A. M. S., Steller, M., Szabó, G. M., Thomas, N., Udry, S., Van Grootel, V. & Walton, N. A., 1 Jan 2023, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 669, 10 p., A64.

    Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

    Open Access
  • A full transit of v 2Lupi d and the search for an exomoon in its Hill sphere with CHEOPS

    Ehrenreich, D., Delrez, L., Akinsanmi, B., Wilson, T. G., Bonfanti, A., Beck, M., Benz, W., Hoyer, S., Queloz, D., Alibert, Y., Charnoz, S., Collier Cameron, A., Deline, A., Hooton, M., Lendl, M., Olofsson, G., Sousa, S. G., Adibekyan, V., Alonso, R., Anglada, G., & 73 othersBarrado, D., Barros, S. C. C., Baumjohann, W., Beck, T., Bekkelien, A., Bergomi, M., Billot, N., Bonfils, X., Brandeker, A., Broeg, C., Bárczy, T., Berta-Thompson, Z. K., Cabrera, J., Corral Van Damme, C., Csizmadia, S., Davies, M. B., Deleuil, M., Demangeon, O., Demory, B. O., Doty, J. P., Erikson, A., Fausnaugh, M. M., Florén, H. G., Fortier, A., Fossati, L., Fridlund, M., Futyan, D., Gandolfi, D., Gillon, M., Guterman, P., Güdel, M., Heng, K., Isaak, K. G., Jäckel, A., Jenkins, J. M., Kiss, L. L., Laskar, J., Latham, D. W., Lecavelier Des Etangs, A., Levine, A. M., Lovis, C., Magrin, D., Maxted, P. F. L., Morgan, E. H., Nascimbeni, V., Osborn, H. P., Ottensamer, R., Pagano, I., Pallé, E., Peter, G., Piotto, G., Pollacco, D., Ragazzoni, R., Rando, N., Rauer, H., Ribas, I., Ricker, G. R., Salmon, S., Santos, N. C., Scandariato, G., Simon, A. E., Smith, A. M. S., Steinberger, M., Steller, M., Szabó, G. M., Ségransan, D., Shporer, A., Thomas, N., Tschentscher, M., Udry, S., Vanderspek, R., Van Grootel, V. & Walton, N. A., 1 Mar 2023, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 671, 16 p., A154.

    Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

    Open Access
  • A new dynamical modeling of the WASP-47 system with CHEOPS observations

    Nascimbeni, V., Borsato, L., Zingales, T., Piotto, G., Pagano, I., Beck, M., Broeg, C., Ehrenreich, D., Hoyer, S., Majidi, F. Z., Granata, V., Sousa, S. G., Wilson, T. G., Van Grootel, V., Bonfanti, A., Salmon, S., Mustill, A. J., Delrez, L., Alibert, Y., Alonso, R., & 63 othersAnglada, G., Bárczy, T., Barrado, D., Barros, S. C. C., Baumjohann, W., Beck, T., Benz, W., Bergomi, M., Billot, N., Bonfils, X., Brandeker, A., Cabrera, J., Charnoz, S., Collier Cameron, A., Csizmadia, S., Cubillos, P. E., Davies, M. B., Deleuil, M., Deline, A., Demangeon, O. D. S., Demory, B. O., Erikson, A., Fortier, A., Fossati, L., Fridlund, M., Gandolfi, D., Gillon, M., Güdel, M., Isaak, K. G., Kiss, L. L., Laskar, J., des Etangs, A. L., Lendl, M., Lovis, C., Luque, R., Magrin, D., Maxted, P. F. L., Mordasini, C., Olofsson, G., Ottensamer, R., Pallé, E., Peter, G., Piazza, D., Pollacco, D., Queloz, D., Ragazzoni, R., Rando, N., Ratti, F., Rauer, H., Ribas, I., Santos, N. C., Scandariato, G., Ségransan, D., Simon, A. E., Smith, A. M. S., Steinberger, M., Steller, M., Szabó, G. M., Thomas, N., Udry, S., Venturini, J., Walton, N. A. & Wolter, D., 1 May 2023, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 673, 17 p., A42.

    Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

    Open Access