Projects per year
Personal profile
Research interests
- Arabic linguistics with a special focus on Arabic dialectology
- Popular culture and religion in the Middle East and North Africa
- History of Oriental Studies in Austria
Curriculum vitae
- Born 20 September 1962 in Dornbirn (Austria)
- 1969 - 1981: school in Innsbruck
- 1981 - 1990: Enrolled in the programmes for Linguistics, Arabic and Turkish Studies at Innsbruck, Vienna, Tunis and Istanbul.
- November 1990: graduated as “Doctor der Philosophie” (PhD), University of Vienna
- 1991 – 2000: University assistant at the Institute of Oriental Studies, University of Vienna
- 2000: awarded venia docendi (“Habilitation”) for Arabic and Islamic Studies.
- 2000-2003: guest lecturer at the University of Innsbruck, teaching Arabic at the Institute for Languages and Cultures of the Middle East as well as Ancient Ethiopic and Koranic Sciences at the Faculty of Catholic Theology.
- 2003 – 2004: fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Jerusalem; collaboration in the project “Study of Palestinian Arabic Dialects”.
- 2004 and 2011: guest lecturer at the University of Cádiz, Spain.
- 2006: guest lecturer at the University of Uppsala, Sweden
- 2006: appointed full professor of Arabic Studies, University of Vienna, and working in that capacity ever since.
- 2004 - 2015: President of the Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe (Paris)
- 2017: Elected as a corresponding Fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
- April 2021: ERC Advanced Grant "What is Bedouin-type Arabic?" (2021-2026)
Administrative duties
2016 - 2018: Deputy Director of Studies
2018 - 2022: Director of Studies (SPL 14)
Editorial work
- Co-editor of the journal Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes.
- Member of the editorial Board of the Journal of Arabic Linguistics (Wiesbaden)
- Member of the editorial Board of the journal Folia Orientalia (Cracovia)
- Member of the editioral Board of the journal Romano - Arabica (Bucharest)
- Former member of the editorial Board of the journal Estudios de Dialectología Norteafricana y Andalusí (Zaragoza)
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
The Shawi-type Arabic dialects spoken in South-eastern Anatolia and the Middle Euphrates region
Prochazka, S. & Mörth , K.
1/02/21 → 31/01/25
Project: Research funding
The language of the Arab minority in Southern Iran
El Zarka, D. & Prochazka, S.
1/08/20 → 31/07/24
Project: Research funding
How solid is the linguistic basis for the Bedouin sedentary split used in the classification of Arabic dialects?
Prochazka, S., May 2024, AIDA Granada: A pomegranate of Arabic varieties. Berlinches Ramos, C., Guerrero, J. & Benítez Fernández, M. (eds.). Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, p. 359-370 12 p.Publications: Contribution to book › Chapter › Peer Reviewed
Open Access -
Otto Jastrow, Der arabische Dialekt der Christen von Kaʿbīye (Diyarbakir), Semitica Viva, vol. 60. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2022.
Prochazka, S., Feb 2024, Journal of Semitic Studies, 69, 1.Publications: Other contribution to periodical › Book/Film/Event review
Berge in der islamischen Kosmologie: Mit einem Ausblick auf "heilige Berge" im islamischen Volksglauben
Prochazka, S., Sep 2023, Religion in den Bergen: Sakrale Orte, Heiligtümer, Performanz, Mythos und Alltagsleben. Kasper, M., Rollinger, R., Rudigier, A. & Wiesenhöfer, J. (eds.). Wien: Böhlau Verlag, p. 521-541 20 p. (Montafoner Gipfeltreffen, Vol. 5).Publications: Contribution to book › Chapter › Peer Reviewed
Functions and frequency of the adnominal linker /-in/ aka dialectal tanwīn
Stephan Prochazka (Invited speaker)
7 Jun 2024Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
The raising of medial short /*a/ to /i/: Types, distribution and implications for the classification of Arabic dialects
Stephan Prochazka (Speaker)
22 May 2024Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
What is Bedouin-type Arabic? - How useful are modern and pre-modern corpora to answer this question?
Stephan Prochazka (Invited speaker)
24 Feb 2024Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science