Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

After earning her first degree in International Relations at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Viktoriia Bazyk studied Art History and German Philology at the University of Stuttgart. She later moved to Vienna where she completed her master’s degree in Art History with a thesis on transgressive masculinity in William Bouguereau’s painting “Dante and Virgil in Hell”, which was awarded the Sir-Ernst-Gombrich-Nachwuchspreis in 2024. During her studies she served as an intern at the Laboratory for Cognitive Research in Art History (CReA Lab) and worked as an academic tutor and project assistant at the Vienna Department of Art History. In 2024 she became a fellow of the Vienna Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies and is currently working on her dissertation which examines the academic male nude in 19th century French painting and is supervised by Prof. Marianne Koos (University of Vienna) and Prof. Mechthild Fend (Goethe University Frankfurt).

Research interests

Academic and salon painting in 19th century France, gender and queer studies in art history, representations and constructions of masculinity in visual arts, the nude as a means of artistic expression.


  • 2024 Sir Ernst Gombrich Award for the master thesis „Transgressive Männlichkeit. Virilität, Gewalt und Erotik in William Bouguereaus Dante und Vergil in der Hölle
  • 2022-2023 Ernst Mach Scholarship – Ukraine, financed by the Republic of Austria, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), implemented by the OeAD-GmbH – Agency for Education and Internationalization


  • 2023 Academic Tutor for the lecture “Kunstgeschichte im Überblick II”, Department of Art History, University of Vienna
  • 2022-2024 Academic Tutor for the STEOP lecture “Einführung in die Kunstgeschichte: Exemplarische Studien”, Department of Art History, University of Vienna
  • 2021-2023 STEOP assistant, conducting the course “Kunstbeschreibung vor Originalen”, Department of Art History, University of Vienna

Editorial work

  • 2022 Assistance in editing of the catalog “Die illuminierten Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Graz 1300-1400” by Christine Beier, Sophie Dieberger and Christina Weiler (in preparation for printing) - as part of a position of student project assistant at the Research Center for Medieval Image and Book Culture (Pächt-Archiv).
  • 2021-2022 Assistance with data preparation for the publication “Right to the museum? 10 insights into museums’ concepts of the public and public perceptions of museums” by Luise Reitstätter and Karolin Galter (2023) - as part of an internship in the Laboratory for Cognitive Research in Art History (CReA Lab).


  • ECR French Nineteenth-Century Art Network
  • Nachwuchsnetzwerk Junge Kunstgeschichte

Special qualifications and skills

Languages: German, English, French, Ukrainian, Russian.

Education/Academic qualification

Art History, MA, "Transgressive masculinity: Virility, violence and eroticism in William Bouguereau's "Dante and Virgil in hell", University of Vienna

Award Date: 13 Dec 2023

International Relations, Master, "Problem areas in shaping the European Union's strategy for Latin America", Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU)

Award Date: 30 Jun 2018


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